Dioxin scandal 15 million compensation

Dioxin scandal 15 million compensation / Health News

Dioxin scandal: millions of claims for damages against „Harles & Jentzsch“


In the dioxin scandal, which rolled over the Republic at the beginning of the year, the Uetersen feed manufacturer stood „Harles & Jentzsch“ quickly as a possible cause of dioxin contamination in the focus of the investigation. The company is said to have processed dioxin contaminated mixed fatty acids into animal feed. Now there are claims for damages of 15 million against „Harles & Jentzsch“ in the room, but the company is insolvent and the insolvency administrator wants to deny a large part of the claims, reports the news agency „DPA“.

The enterprise „Harles & Jentzsch“from Schleswig-Holstein was the focus of the dioxin scandal at the beginning of the year. Dioxin contaminated feed should have been delivered from the Uetersen plant throughout Germany. After the first discoveries of dioxin-contaminated eggs, sales had slumped massively and mass producers were still sitting on their wares, while organic farmers were barely able to meet the massive increase in demand for organically produced eggs. As a result of the scandal, compensation claims amounting to around 15 million euros are now directed against the company „Harles & Jentzsch“. However, the insolvency administrator Heiko Fialski announced on Thursday in Hamburg that he would not agree to a large part of the demands.

Dioxin scandal causes millions of dollars
Overall, the damage caused by the dioxin scandal is likely to be well above the 15 million euro claims now in the room, but only claims that have been reported by the end of the judicial deadline on 8 June are considered. Countless affected or possibly injured people have suffered damage such as increased livestock cattle life due to the closure of farms, lower revenues due to reduced meat prices, feed analysis costs and additional inspection costs for fattening animals. Another focus of the claims is the disposal costs for potentially contaminated meat. During the dioxin scandal, thousands of farms in Germany were closed by the authorities, as the farms potentially contaminated feed from the Uetersen company „Harles & Jentzsch“ had related. However, the claims are likely to be taken into account in the context of the current insolvency proceedings, only a fraction, since on the one hand still another four million euros to pay liabilities and on the other hand, the insolvency administrator Heiko Fialski already announced on Thursday that he will not accept a large part of the claims for damages. The claims for damages were according to the information of Fialski also the insurance of „Harles & Jentzsch“ and whether this takes over the damage, so far not decided.

Victims stay at the expense of the dioxin scandal
As some of the timely claims for damages are related to the dioxin scandal, it is difficult to prove that „Harles & Jentzsch“ caused the incurred costs or losses, most of the affected companies can hardly hope for chances in court. In addition, with the bankruptcy trustee already announcing that he will deny much of the claims, most of those affected by the dioxin scandal are likely to end up at their expense. Although the public prosecutor Itzehoe is currently present, the suspicion of wanton processing of dioxin-contaminated mixed fatty acids to feed by the now insolvent company „Harles & Jentzsch“ According to the assessment of all industry insiders, the cause of the dioxin scandal at the beginning of the year is attributed to the Uetersen company. Most of the costs of the dioxin scandal remain with the injured party. The „Harles & Jentzsch“ According to the prosecution's allegation, contaminated precursors may have systematically diluted until the regulatory limit for feed has just been complied with, but this does not seem to matter. The fourteen-fold excess of limit values ​​in the fats used by the Schleswig-Holstein Ministry of Agriculture has no consequences with regard to the claims for damages. (Fp)

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Picture: wrw