Dioxin pork in the supermarket

Dioxin pork in the supermarket / Health News

Dioxin pork probably landed in the supermarket


Only yesterday it became known that the dioxin scandal extends not only to eggs, but also to pork. On Tuesday, the state government in Lower Saxony had ruled that dioxin contaminated pork also landed in retail. One day later you row back and emphasize that you are not so sure anymore. In the district of Verden, a farm was already closed after increased dioxin levels. In northern Bavaria, dioxin contaminated pork could also have been sold by a farm in Saxony-Anhalt. International has already responded to the scandal in Germany. For example, China has immediately stopped importing pork and chicken eggs, as well as products containing meat or eggs.

Dioxin pork in the Lower Saxon trade?
On Tuesday, the State Secretary for Agriculture Friedrich-Otto Ripke in Lower Saxony categorically denied that the contaminated meat from the already closed operation from the district of Verden had entered the retail trade. But just one day later, a spokesman for the ministry had to revoke this statement. The State Secretary would not have been up to date yesterday. Because the vets of the circle speak of very different facts. Test animals had high levels of dioxin measured by veterinarians. However, the farm had slaughtered pigs at the beginning of the year prior to the emergency slaughter that has now begun. Now it should be checked whether the slaughtered animals have entered the market. However, this could already be considered secure, because where else should the animals have landed??

Pork in northern Bavaria in the trade
Even in Bavaria, the situation is still unclear. According to media reports, in December 400 pigs were delivered from a farm in Saxony-Anhalt to several supermarket chains in northern Bavaria. The reports in the press have already been confirmed by the State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) in Erlangen. The farm in Saxony-Anhalt has now been closed because there is also the strong suspicion that the animals were fed with dioxin-contaminated feed. As the State Office points out, it is not clear whether the pork was actually contaminated. Also on the meat directly one can no longer determine a possible connection, because the meat has already been sold in the markets.

Federal Minister of Agriculture wants better supervision
The pressure on the Federal Minister of Agriculture Ilse Aigner (CSU) increases significantly. Many consumer associations had already accused the minister of acting too laxly and hesitantly. Aigner, however, announced again „comprehensive package of measures“ to reduce the risk of contaminated food in the trade. She pleaded for one „Dioxin-warning system“. In addition, a systematic recording is necessary in which everything will be added together to determine dioxin contamination in food or feed materials.

First imports stopped
First countries have already reacted to the ongoing dioxin scandal in Germany. For the time being, China has banned imports from Germany of eggs and pork. All imports were stopped by Chinese quality supervision in Beijing. The import stop is not just eggs and pork. Even products containing or processing pork or eggs are no longer imported. The authorities in Beijing want to prevent contaminated meat or eggs from being traded in their country.

Consumer health endangered
It is undisputed that the consumption of dioxin-loaded meat and eggs increases the risk of cancer. The authorities are still saying that single consumption of contaminated products does not pose a health hazard because the measured levels of pork are still high „as part of“ and only slightly increased. But dioxin is not just secreted by the body and excreted again. On the contrary, the toxin gets stuck in body fat and stays there for a lifetime. Also read: Health risk from dioxin eggs.
Is the milk also contaminated with dioxin?
In North Rhine-Westphalia, no recent exceedance of milk limit values ​​has been detected. In the current investigations of milk on dioxin, the limit values ​​have been significantly undercut. However, five dairy farms have already been closed in NRW. First results are currently not available.

Better to use organic products
Many people now buy more organic products and for good reason. After all, fats from industry must not be used in animal feed. The consumption of organic products is currently the best alternative to protect against health hazards. In many places, the bioregals are already empty, because the organic producers hardly comply. (Sb)

Read our articles about the dioxin scandal:
Dioxin eggs by pesticides?
Detecting dioxin eggs in the supermarket
iPhone app detects dioxin eggs
Dioxin eggs also in Bavaria
Dioxin eggs: Procuratorate identified
Health risk from dioxin eggs
Dioxin burden apparently known for months

Picture: wrw