Dioxin eggs soil excretes as a source

Dioxin eggs soil excretes as a source / Health News

Soil excretes as a source of contaminated dioxin eggs


In the search for the cause of the contaminated dioxin eggs on an organic farm in the district of Minden-Lübbecke, the authorities are still in the dark. The soil samples that were last taken on the farm, according to the NRW State Office for Nature, Environment and Nature Conservation revealed no abnormalities.

No PCB in the ground
As a result, the samples are unloaded. Only two soil samples showed a slight increase, which, however, could not have caused the maximum levels of PCB in the eggs to exceed. The two samples come from the conventionally operated area of ​​the farm. The eggs from conventional attitude but had no burden. The area of ​​operation that is managed ecologically has been closed since April. Likewise, the study of drinking water and animal feed did not reveal a burden. The public prosecutor Bielefeld determines now against unknown.

Background of the scandal were contaminated organic eggs of the court, which were packed in a factory in Euskirchen and delivered to supermarkets. As early as mid-March, the company had information about first samples that exceeded the limit. On March 15, more than 100,000 eggs were sent back to the Biohof. Due to a labeling error, 7,000 were still sold.

The owner of the organic farm, which is currently vacationing in South America, had initially concealed that according to documents also 20,000 eggs were delivered to a dealer in the district of Tübingen. The return of the organic farm owner is expected this week.

Foodwatch criticizes circles
The consumer organization Foodwatch speaks of serious neglect of individual circles in connection with the current dioxin scandal. The consumer organization relies on its own inquiries with the circles, which would have shown that the exceedances of the limit had already been known here on 27 March. However, the limit value was not communicated until 2 April to the responsible ministry. Therefore, consumers have been unnecessarily exposed to increased exposure to PCB, criticized Foodwatch. (Ag)

Read about:
Dioxin in eggs: The scandal is expanding
Circles withheld information about PCB eggs
Dioxin eggs also in Lower Saxony
Dioxin in organic eggs: causes still unknown
Easter with dioxin eggs from the organic farm
Dioxin eggs could have entered the market
Easily recognize fresh eggs
Health risk from dioxin eggs

Picture: Katharina Scherer