Dioxin Eggs Bio-farm threatens the end

Dioxin Eggs Bio-farm threatens the end / Health News

Following the discovery in April of dioxin-like PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) in the eggs of two conventional laying hen farms and one organic farm in the Aurich district, the organic laying hen farm is about to go down. Because the dioxin contamination of the eggs could not be resolved until today.


At the Bio-Farm, since detection of PCB contamination, comprehensive measures have been taken to identify and eliminate the source of carcinogenic organic chlorine compounds. But the dioxin burden of the eggs just will not disappear. Instead of a decline in PCB levels, the re-inspection by a Hamburg laboratory, commissioned by the farmer, has resulted in a massive increase in pollution. From around seven picograms per gram of egg fat, the PCB concentration has increased to 94.7 picograms. „This is an exorbitant value that leaves us at a loss“, explained the district veterinarian Dr. Georg Ackermann on Tuesday to the daily newspaper „General indicator“ (GA) from Rauderfehn.

Contaminated sites cause the PCB load?
The measures introduced at the Bio-Hof included, for example, inspections of the stable air and the feed. The farmer also wanted to remedy the problem by excavating the soil. However, the measures did not have any effect. The PCB load on the eggs continued to shoot upwards. While one of the conventional farms, which were closed because of the PCB, may already sell eggs again, this is not in sight for the organic farm. „The situation is life threatening“, emphasized the 31-year-old farmer opposite the GA. Because the house air and the feed did not show any PCB contamination, the farmer suspects that the free-range chickens have taken up the pollutants from the soil. Although he could not prove it, but suspected the suspicion that on his property dioxinhaltige contaminated sites were buried. The farmer himself had acquired the property only two years ago, in order to build a organic laying hen farm here.

No chance of financial support
The only way to eliminate the PCB stress of the soil remains the operation of the meter-deep Ausköseung the soil and a subsequent backfilling with unloaded soil. However, this is so costly that the farmer sees himself unable to finance appropriate measures. Since no support can be expected from other sources, the Bio-Hof is threatened with the end. The chief executive officer of the Agricultural Association told the „NDR“, this was entrepreneurial risk and the farmer could not hope for financial support. If, in fact, contaminated sites on the farmer's land have triggered PCB pollution, the question arises as to whether the polluter may still be available and can be used for disposal.

PCBs accumulate in the human organism
PCBs were used until the 1980s in a variety of technical devices such as in transformers or capacitors. The organic chlorine compounds were also used as plasticizers in paints, sealants, insulating materials and plastics. If the substances containing PCBs have been disposed of improperly (or illegally), this could result in long-term contamination of the soil. Since the PCBs are not degraded in the human organism, they accumulate in the body's own adipose tissue even with the smallest amounts of intake, which may lead to serious health problems over time. Possible consequences of increased PCB intake include, for example, damage to the immune system, liver damage, hair loss and infertility. In addition, PCBs are suspected of being a carcinogen. (Fp)

Also read:
Wild eels burdened with dioxin and PCB

Picture: Katharina Scherer