Dioxin eggs also in Bavaria

Dioxin eggs also in Bavaria / Health News

First Dioxin Fund in Bavaria: Health authorities discover contaminated eggs in the trade


As reported by the Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety, PCBs and dioxin eggs were also sold in Bavaria. Food inspectors have discovered contaminated chicken eggs in at least one store, according to the agency. The eggs come from the three now locked hen farms in Lower Saxony. Farms in Bavaria are not affected.

After dioxin finds have been affected in Brandenburg, Rhineland-Palatinate, North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony, inspectors have also discovered contaminated PCB eggs in Bavaria. The eggs are from Lower Saxony farms, as the State Health Office in Erlangen noted. The officials have found a total of 16 egg cartons contaminated eggs in the grocery, as a spokeswoman explained. Consumers who find eggs with the stamp number 0-DE-0357661 in their refrigerator should never consume the eggs, but dispose of them in the household waste. However, with regard to further investigations, the agency did not want to state exactly where the dioxin eggs were located in the Free State. Even the affected store or supermarket called the spokeswoman.

The other stamp numbers are: 1-DE-0354451, 1-DE-0354452, 1-DE-0354453 and 1-DE-0352691. Eggs with mentioned numbers have not been found in Bavaria so far. Citizens who still find eggs with the source numbers in the trade, should contact the authorities immediately.

The inspectors became aware of the stored eggs in the store. A hint had shown that the eggs come from Lower Saxony. Now the food experts want to understand the delivery routes to include or exclude other finds.

There is currently no direct health risk for the population, as emphasized by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin. Although the limit values ​​are clearly exceeded, short-term consumption does not trigger any health effects. So far, it has not been clarified how the pollutants got into the eggs. The soil is currently exiting as a source. (Sb)

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Picture: Katharina Scherer