Dioxin eggs also in Bavaria

Dioxin eggs also in Bavaria / Health News

Dioxin scandal: securing contaminated eggs in Bavaria


The dioxin scandal around strained eggs is increasingly drawing circles. In Bavaria, the State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) has withdrawn contaminated eggs from a wholesaler who purchased his goods from one of the affected producers in Lower Saxony. However, part of the delivery has already been passed on to manufacturing companies in the Free State and now needs to be tracked down the supply chain.

State Office ensures potentially dioxin contaminated chicken eggs
Through the administration of contaminated feed, it came to the Lower Saxon producers to considerable dioxin contamination of chicken eggs, which also reached Bavaria via a wholesaler. Here, the LGL has now withdrawn a major part of the delivery. However, some of the dioxin-contaminated eggs have already been passed on to processing plants. So the LGL is currently trying to understand the supply chains, to ensure the remaining eggs and to protect consumers from possible damage to health. According to the State Office, however, the contaminated eggs can not have reached the retail sector, so that the risk seems manageable. The eggs were intended for processing, said the spokeswoman for the LGL.

Bavarian producers so far not affected by the dioxin scandal
According to information from the LGL, there is no health threat to the consumers from the chicken eggs of Bavarian producers, since, according to current knowledge, the dioxin-contaminated feed was not delivered to producers in the Free State. Also, it is still unclear whether the confiscated eggs are actually contaminated with dioxin and how high this burden fails. The LGL will submit the results of a specific investigation into this by the end of the week. Dixion is proven carcinogenic. (Fp)

Also read:
Dioxin eggs: Procuratorate identified
Health risk from dioxin eggs

Image: Gerda Mahmens