Digital joggers exercise with the game console

Digital joggers exercise with the game console / Health News

Digital joggers exercise with the game console instead of the fitness center

Instead of the gym, recreational athletes now often prefer the game console or complete their training program with fitness portals on the Internet. Experts are not necessarily critical of this trend, but point out the disadvantages of digital training.

Numerous exercise programs for game consoles
In the 80s, Jane Fonda did it. With aerobics classes on video, she quickly became a fitness queen. Meanwhile, recreational athletes use yoga, aerobics, Zumba and other fitness games for motion control consoles. The Internet offer is steadily increasing. Portals such as, or provide instructions and videos for home athletes. In addition, there are nutrition and health tips. Hobby athletes can participate in competitions, upload photos of their trained bodies, compile their own training program and log all activities.

The exercise programs and training goals also play the decisive role in the fitness consoles. For example, Ubisoft offers the Playstation 3 motion control for Move „My Fitness Coach Club "and for the Kinect sensor of the Xbox 360 among others „Your Shape Evolved“ on. Sony has „Move Fitness "brought to market.
For the Wii from Nintendo there is "Wii Fit", which is supplied together with a so-called balance board, which recognizes in addition to the function as a balance weight shifts. EA Sports Active offers Electronic Arts for all three consoles.

Compared to the monthly contribution in the gym, the fitness games are cheap. They usually cost between 30 and 40 euros, which depending on the provider and tariff should include just two monthly contributions in the Mucki-Bude. The internet portals are mostly free.

With game consoles training is possible at any time of day or night
„For many it is an advantage to be able to do the training at any time privately and not publicly in the gym, "says Professor Klaus Völker, director of the Institute for Sports Medicine of the University of Münster. „If the exercises are done regularly, they can have a positive effect. "However, the consoles also have disadvantages. „A big problem is always the individualization, "explains the expert, because users basically complete a program that was developed by someone else, which can easily lead to under- or overworking, because the physical conditions are very individual little suitable for the console. „Running on the spot is far from being as effective as jogging outside or in the gym, "says Völker.

In addition, many users are permanently annoyed by the constant explanations, which include almost all programs. In addition, it is often quickly over with the initial enthusiasm for the fitness games. „After an initial hype, the enthusiasm often goes down quickly, "says Völker.Also, self-discipline is part of sports with the console.

Health hazards when playing sports with the game console are low
Völker has no major health concerns about fitness consoles. „Of course I can also pull something out of it“, he explains. „I have never seen any extreme or dangerous exercises in such fitness games. "

„We always make sure that our exercises are suitable for all users, "explains the spokeswoman of the portal „ ", Kristina Schneider: Only in case of pre-existing conditions such as herniated disc, some exercises are risky, but always a warning appears.Other risk factors such as the weight of the user must specify this when registering and will be considered in the preparation of the training program. „Of course, we can not replace a physiotherapist, "explains Schneider, who recommends that every user visit the doctor prior to the first session, just like other fitness programs.

Ralf Anheier from the game manufacturer Electronic Arts reports: „The exercises require a certain radius of action. In small living rooms, this can sometimes be difficult. "In particular, for the motion control Kinect for the Xbox 360 is sufficient space required.The manufacturer Microsoft advises to 1.80 meters distance to the television.And also living room athletes should think of their neighbors, for example running fast can become an unpleasant tramp in the apartment below.

Alternatives to the game console
Every child knows that exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle. Nevertheless, many people find it hard to get up to sports. This often begins with the youngest. Even at kindergarten age, many children are overweight. In addition to wrong and unhealthy diet is also responsible for a lack of exercise. Parents should therefore support their children in joining sports clubs or visiting other sports groups. In addition to physical activity, community sports also promote the social behavior of children. So they learn from a small age that teamwork is important.

If adults find it difficult to get up to jogging after a hard day's work, so-called running meetings help. Dates and meeting places are announced, for example, on posters or in social networks on the Internet. If you are on site at the agreed time, you can join. So overcoming falls often easier when you're not alone.

In the meantime, some gyms have been open 24 hours, so even those with less busy working hours or shift work can accept such offers. (Ag)

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Picture: Olga Meier-Sander