Digital detox Do not touch the smartphone - digital fasting is rightly on trend

Digital detox Do not touch the smartphone - digital fasting is rightly on trend / Health News

Digital fasting: Every fourth German wants to do without a smartphone or a co

While many people find that the renunciation of smartphones is anything but easy, digital lasts are becoming increasingly popular, according to a new report. More than a third of the German population sees the so-called digital detox as an important and valuable topic, one in four consider it seriously.

Mobile owners activate their device over 50 times a day

Mobile phones and smartphones have become an indispensable everyday companion for many people. Especially for the majority of the younger population a life without the small devices is hardly conceivable today. According to research by researchers at the University of Bonn, mobile phone users activate their device 53 times a day on average. This can have health consequences: there is evidence that the constant use of smartphones increases myopia. And a study showed that such devices disturb sleep. Therefore, it is gratifying that a new report has now revealed that many Germans are open to a digital diet.

The constant use of smartphones has a negative impact on sleep health. Therefore, many Germans consider so-called digital fasting. (Image: Ana Blazic Pavlovic /

Negative effects on sleep health

As can be seen from the current report "Sleep Health in Germany" by market research institute Ipsos on behalf of Barmer, digital fasting, ie the deliberate renunciation of smartphones and Co., is becoming increasingly popular.

According to a statement from the health insurance company, the survey showed that 37 percent of the German population see the so-called digital detox as an important and valuable topic.

13 percent have already put it into practice, a quarter of respondents consider this seriously.

"About a quarter of those surveyed for our sleep health report report sleep disturbances, an extra 15.3 million are Germans," explains Andrea Jakob-Pannier, a psychologist at Barmer.

"Many seem to want to limit their online presence because digital media and social networks affect their sleep," said the expert.

Tips for digital fasting in everyday life

The psychologist recommends developing a personal strategy for digital fasting with everyday changes.

These included breaks during which smartphones and the internet were deliberately ignored. According to the expert, one way is to turn on flight mode.

In addition, professional mails should not be answered during leisure time. Digital stress can be avoided if the cell phone does not set the pace.

Helps to prevent apps from being pushed and to ban smartphones from the dining table or bedtime out of the bedroom.

"It should be made clear how much time the smartphone costs, and use this time at least partially analog again," said Jakob-Pannier. (Ad)