Most women need girlfriends to talk

Most women need girlfriends to talk / Health News
Women are important to girlfriend for talking - men less so
Be it stress at work, problems in the partnership or exciting things from the circle of friends - friends usually have a lot to talk about. A recent survey shows that women can do without it less than men.

Friends have a lot to talk about
Stress in the job, quarrels with the partner, news from the circle of acquaintances: Friends usually have a lot to talk about. Especially in the case of problems such as heartache often the motto is: talk about it. In particular, many women need a girlfriend with whom they can talk about everything. However, this is less important for men. This is the conclusion of a representative survey by the market research institute GfK. From October 2 to 16, 2015, a total of 2004 persons aged 14 and over were interviewed on behalf of the pharmacy magazine "Baby and Family", including 1,022 women and 982 men.

Many women need a same-sex girlfriend with whom they can talk about everything. It is less important to men. This shows a current survey. (Image: Antonioguillem /

Women need a girlfriend to talk
At 56.2 percent, the majority of women stated that they absolutely needed a same-sex girlfriend, with whom they can really communicate. Men, on the other hand, are therefore much less fixated on a male best friend (43.8 percent). About two-thirds of respondents (68.9 percent) believe that men can also be best friends of women, and women best friends of men.

So important are friends for us
How important a healthy circle of friends is for us is also proven by scientific studies. For example, one study showed that just a handful of healthy friends are enough for adolescents to greatly reduce the risk of depression. In addition, good friends could increase our pain tolerance, as physicians recently reported in the journal "Scientific Reports". (Ad)