Most Germans have a firm family doctor

Most Germans have a firm family doctor / Health News

For most Germans, the family doctor is the first contact for health problems


The family doctor is indispensable for many people in Germany. This was the result of a representative Forsa survey commissioned by the German Doctors' Association, the results of which were presented on Friday at the edge of the International Day for General Practitioners in Bonn. According to this, nine out of ten Germans have a permanent family doctor who is their first contact for health problems.

More and more patients take part in the model of „Family doctor centered care“ part
Respondents answered questions about the role of the family doctor. As it turned out, 94 percent of respondents said that the family doctor coordinates the treatment of his patients with the help of specialist findings and diagnoses of hospitals. „The survey data make it clear that the patients want a coordinated care by the family doctor. The GP-centered care does just that. We address the wishes of the patients and at the same time improve the quality of the outpatient care sustainably“, Ulrich Weigeldt, Federal Chairman of the German Association of General Practitioners.

Currently, about 3.6 million insured and nearly 16,000 family physicians participate in the so-called family-centered care (HZV). At the same time, the patients commit themselves to go to the family doctor first and only to find specialist doctors by referral. The family doctors are to ensure more intensive care for their patients.

„The fact that 91 percent of respondents say that they have a permanent family doctor shows that their trusting relationship with their doctor is particularly important to them“, explained Eberhard Mehl, Managing Director of the German Association of General Practitioners. „The great importance of the family doctor for the patients is also reflected in the continuously increasing number of participants in the contracts of family-centered care throughout Germany.“

Critics practiced flour at some health insurance companies that have the family-centered care not yet in the program. They would finally have to fulfill their legal obligation and offer their insured the model. (Ag)