The measles are raging in Baden-Württemberg

The measles are raging in Baden-Württemberg / Health News

Measles diseases have risen massively in Baden-Württemberg


The number of measles diseases has risen dramatically in Baden-Württemberg. By April 11, 107 cases were reported since the beginning of the year, reports the State Health Office in Stuttgart. According to the spokesman for the authorities, these are around seven times as many diseases as in the same period of the previous year.

The massive increase in measles diseases in Baden-Württemberg indicates an increased spread of measles viruses in the unprotected population, said the spokesman for the health department, Peter Zaar, on Wednesday. A total of 15 districts and six urban districts in Baden-Württemberg are affected, including the metropolitan area of ​​Karlsruhe from which the regional council reported 17 measles disorders.

Measles are a highly contagious infectious disease
Measles, as a highly contagious infectious disease, most often affect children and adolescents, however „particularly dangerous are measles for the elderly“, stressed the spokesman of the state health department. That's why it's important, „that all, including children, get vaccinated“, explained Peter Zaar. The State Health Office was alarmed, as in Baden-Wuerttemberg there were 45 children under the age of ten, 34 children and adolescents between the ages of ten and 18, 18 persons between the ages of 18 and 30, and 10 older adults between the ages of 33 and 52 Have contracted measles since the beginning of the year. The massive increase in diagnoses is a clear sign of the spread of measles virus in the unprotected population, warned the spokesman for the health department. The Authority spokesperson therefore recommends that all parents, adolescents and adults born in 1970, review their vaccine protection and close implants.

Measles are transmitted via droplet infection
Measles viruses are transmitted by the so-called droplet infection, in which the pathogens migrate through excreted aerosols through the air from person to person. Measles are highly contagious and a specific antiviral - measles virus - therapy does not yet exist. 95 percent of those who come in contact with the virus without protective antibodies, fall ill after seven to eighteen days, said the spokesman for the State Department of Health. The course of the disease is characterized by fever, headache, conjunctivitis, runny nose and cough, as well as the typical spotty, nodular reddish rash (measles rash). With uncomplicated disease progression, a recovery sets in relatively quickly, and sufferers now enjoy lifelong immunity to measles.

Threatening complications of measles disease
However, in the course of a measles disease, significant complications may occur, as in the course of the disease, for example, the immune system temporarily weakened (about six weeks) and so bacterial infections (otitis media, pneumonia) are favored. In addition, life-threatening complications such as lung and brain inflammation are a potential consequence of severe measles disease. Due to the significant risk of infection, medical practices, clinics, nursing and community facilities are required to report any measles suspected cases to the responsible health department. (Fp)

Read about:
The infectious disease measles spreads
Measles also affects adults

Image: Claudia Hautumm