Air pollution not only damages the lungs, it also weakens the bones

Air pollution not only damages the lungs, it also weakens the bones / Health News

Air pollution leads to an increased probability of broken bones

The worldwide increase in air pollution leads to all sorts of negative effects on human health. A typical disease due to air pollution is respiratory infections. Researchers have now found that regular exposure to air pollution also increases the risk of bone fractures.

The researchers at Columbia University in the US have now discovered that air pollution not only negatively affects the respiratory tract but also increases the likelihood of fractures. The physicians published the results of their study in the English-language journal "Lancet Planetary Health".

Heavy air pollution leads to health hazards. Researchers have now found in their study that the pollution of the air even leads to an increased risk of fractures. (Image: Ralf Geithe /

Material released by diesel engines damages the bone

Especially the soot-black material that occurs during air pollution, which is emitted by gas and diesel engines, seems to increase the probability of fractures, the experts speculate. The results of the current study are of great importance because, for example, in the metropolis of Delhi (which lies in the north of India) and other cities and regions, a very poor air quality prevails for several days in a row.

Usually fractures are favored by osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is the most common reason for bone injury in the elderly. Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become weaker and brittle as the body loses more bone mass than it can reproduce.

Soot and PM2.5 reduce levels of parathyroid hormone

Researchers found that when participants were exposed to higher levels of PM2.5 particulate matter and soot (typical components of air pollution from motor vehicle emissions), they had lower levels of parathyroid hormone, which is considered a type of major calcium Hormone is that is related to our bones.

Air pollution reduces bone mineral density

Those affected also show a decrease in so-called bone mineral density, compared to people exposed to lower concentrations of pollutants, the researchers explain. People with lower bone mineral density were hospitalized for fractures more often.

Oxidative damage and inflammation can accelerate bone loss

Particulate matter such as PM2.5 causes oxidative damage and inflammation, which can accelerate bone loss and increase the risk of bone fracture in the elderly, say scientists from Columbia University in the US. For example, the smoke of cigarettes also contains various constituents of particles. Smoking was also associated with bone damage by the experts.

Physicians examine nearly 700 subjects

For their study, the researchers analyzed a total of 692 low-income adults in the Boston area. In older adults, even a slight increase in PM2.5 levels would lead to an increase in fractures, say the authors. The effects of such fractures can have serious health consequences for those affected. For example, if an older adult suffers bone fractures, this increases his risk of dying prematurely by up to 20 percent. And only 40 percent of those affected regain their independence after such fractures, the scientists add. Previous research has already shown that air pollution can cause several diseases ranging from premature birth to a decrease in lung immunity. (As)