The skin can absorb vegetable fats well

The skin can absorb vegetable fats well / Health News
Skin is particularly good at absorbing vegetable fats


People who suffer from dry skin should resort to herbal care products. Not only do these reach the deeper skin layers better than mineral oil-based cosmetics, but the vegetable fats also strengthen the skin's natural protective coating.

Dry skin needs fatty substances
Mostly, they look particularly appealing in the store: most of the care products with vegetable fats and oils, their ingredients are already seen as a picture on the packaging. As Elena Helfenbein of the VKE Cosmetics Association in Berlin explained according to a message from the news agency dpa, care products with natural ingredients such as shea butter or almond oil are particularly suitable for the care of dry skin. Because this needs lipids, so fatty substances. "Lipids are an important part of the so-called hydro-lipid mantle, the skin's own protective mantle, which protects against environmental toxins or other external influences," says the expert.

Vegetable fats for the protective coat of the skin
Vegetable fats can help rebuild the protective mantle. "At the same time they keep the skin supple and soft," said Helfenbein. The German Skin and Allergy Aid explained that the fatty acid structures of vegetable fats are very similar to the fatty acid structure of the skin, which is why it can absorb the natural fats particularly well. They penetrate deep into the skin layers and supply them there with fatty acids. Mineral oil products such as vaseline or paraffin oil, however, lie on the skin according to experts like a layer. In order to better arm their skin, many people also rely on basic body care, which should put an acid mantle around the skin.

Sesame oil can prevent dry skin
Those who have dry skin or other skin problems can sometimes use sesame oil. This was discovered by German researchers years ago. Thus, sesame oil can not only protect the skin from drying out, but also treat dry areas effectively. Even to protect the nasal mucosa, sesame oil can be used either in the form of a spray or by direct rubbing of the nasal inner walls. However, persons with a particular susceptibility to allergies should be careful, as sesame oil may in rare cases also lead to allergic reactions. (Ad)

: Stefanie Salzer-Deckert