The boldest advertising lie of the year goes to the waters of Coca-Cola

The boldest advertising lie of the year goes to the waters of Coca-Cola / Health News

Advertising Lies of the Year: Golden Cream Puff 2018 for Coca-Cola Water

For the eighth time, the consumer protection organization Foodwatch has awarded the "Golden Windbag". This year, the prize for "the boldest advertisement lie of the year" went to the so-called "Smartwater" by Coca-Cola.

Expensive mineral water

Mineral water is one of the favorite drinks of the Germans. Many consumers are also tasting this a lot, despite the fact that studies have repeatedly shown that tap water in many regions is just as good as mineral water. Those who buy the so-called "Smartwater" from Coca-Cola have to dig deep into their pockets. It is up to seven times more expensive than regular mineral water. The consumer protection organization Foodwatch therefore speaks of "consumer rip-offs with the staple food number one" and has named the product the boldest advertising lie of the year.

The so-called "Smartwater" from Coca-Cola has won the Golden Cream Puff 2018. Every year, the consumer protection organization Foodwatch honors the "boldest advertising slogan" with this award. (Image: Gina Sanders /

Souped-up product

As Foodwatch writes in a communication, the "cloud-inspired" so-called "Smartwater" by Coca-Cola wins the Golden Puffin 2018.

According to the experts, this is a nasty mineral water, spiked with a nutritionally completely unnecessary method. But it is much more expensive than a conventional mineral water.

According to the information, this year almost 70,000 people have participated in the vote on the golden wind bag. Around one third chose the "Smartwater" as the boldest advertising lie of the year.

Nutritionally completely worthless trick

According to Foodwatch, Coca-Cola is promoting its Smartwater product as a "steam-distilled natural mineral water for a crisp, fresh taste.".

Behind advertising slogans like "inspired by clouds", however, put a simple process: the water is first evaporated and then collected again, lost minerals are later artificially added back.

The procedure is, according to the experts, a nutritionally completely useless trick that consumers pay dearly: At 1.65 euros per liter, the "Smartwater" is up to seven times more expensive than regular mineral water.

Consumers pull the money out of his pocket

"Coca-Cola is driving brash consumer rip-offs with the number one staple," said Sophie Unger, 2018 Golden Puffin Election Commissioner.

"To pull the money out of consumers' pockets, Coca-Cola has come up with an outrageous editing process that sounds scientific but completely nonsensical. The 'Smartwater' is just a vile water, sold at a high price, "says Unger.

"The retailer earns heavily on the cloudy advertising promises - that must be over. Traders have to clear the Coca-Cola Mogel product off the shelves. "

Legal illusion in the food area

In addition to the Coca-Cola water, four more products were nominated for the Golden Cream Puff 2018. In the election period since November 6, nearly 70,000 valid votes were received.

The Smartwater received 30.5% of the vote. Heinz's Kids Ketchup finished second with 28.1 percent. Behind them, Corny Milch from Schwartau (15.6%), Bratöl Olive from Denree (13.5%) and Edeka pea stew (12.3%).

Foodwatch awards the Golden Puff for the eighth time. This year, for the first time, consumers were able to propose candidates in advance of the election.

Four of the five nominated products were user suggestions, and Coca-Cola's "Smartwater" had nominated Foodwatch.

According to the company, Foodwatch wants to draw attention to legal deception in the food sector and obtain better legal labeling rules with the online vote on the golden windbag.

Among other things, the consumer protection organization demands an understandable nutritional light, a ban on misleading health advertising and realistic product images and designations.

Previous windbag winners included the drinking yoghurt Actimel by Danone (2009), the milk slices by Ferrero (2011) and an instant tea for children by Hipp (2012). Last year, the negative price went to a sugared child biscuit by Alete. (Ad)