The three pillars of ankylosing spondylitis therapy

The three pillars of ankylosing spondylitis therapy / Health News

Ankylosing spondylitis therapy: Rheumatic disease with a high number of unreported cases


Looking into the eyes of the other person - this is natural for healthy people. People who suffer from ankylosing spondylitis, such everyday things but difficult with the progression of rheumatic disease. For most, symptoms such as severe pain in the back of the head can be seen as early as the beginning of the twenties. The disease is accompanied by chronic inflammation, which gradually deforms the skeleton of those affected: In the lumbar region, the spine flattens, in the thoracic vertebrae a hump forms. „The biggest problem with Bekhterev's disease is that the disease is usually discovered too late or not at all“, explains Univ.-Doz. Dr. Bertram HölzI, medical director of the Gastein healing tunnel specialized in ankylosing spondylitis. Only about 100,000-150,000 cases are diagnosed with an estimated 1.6 million people affected.

Most doctors diagnose rheumatism in men. But women are also affected, but the course is milder and the Bechterewsche disease therefore remains often unrecognized. In addition to severe back problems, women should pay attention to other symptoms such as joint pain, red, sore eyes, photosensitivity or digestive problems. If several of them occur, it is advisable to go to the rheumatologist. „The treatment relies on the three pillars of pain relief, anti-inflammatory and exercise“, clarifies hölzl. „At the beginning of each treatment should be the pain relief. This not only improves the quality of life of the patients, but often makes physiotherapeutic measures, which counteract the spinal fusion, possible in the first place.“ Also, anti-inflammatory measures are important because chronic inflammation deform the back of those affected. In addition to traditional medicine, alternative remedies such as cold and heat treatments or therapies with radon also help. With them, sufferers often succeed in reducing medication and its serious side effects.

For example, heat therapies relieve pain and stiffness by promoting blood circulation. Radon therapy is also good for many patients. Radon releases mild alpha rays in the body that stimulate cell repair mechanisms and reduce the activity of inflammatory cells and painkillers. Most effective, however, seems to be a combination of radon and heat in ankylosing spondylitis. Scientific studies confirm the so-called radon heat therapy success rates between 80 and 90 percent. It can be carried out in warm mine tunnels as part of a cure. Here, patients drive with a stollen train in the mountain interior on the therapy stations. Of course, radon is released from the rock there and the climatic conditions are tropical thanks to high humidity and high temperatures up to 41 degrees. „Patients often benefit from the reduction of pressure pain waves, pain intensity, functional limitations and medication consumption months after the entries“, knows Dr. Hölzl. (Pm)