The AOK benefits from the additional contributions

The general local health insurance AOK benefit most of the additional contributions
The general local health insurance (AOK) benefit most of the additional contributions. But not because the AOK itself requires an additional contribution from its members, but because other statutory health insurance one. Many insured persons made use of their special right of termination in the course of the introduction of the additional contribution and then changed their cash register.
According to a survey of the news agency „dpa“ The local health insurance funds registered a membership increase in the last year 2010 due to the additional contribution of about 55,000 new customers. As a result, the local health insurance companies have experienced an unprecedented influx of new members. In 2009, around 37,000 people changed to the AOK. Also for the current year, the Management Board expects further growth of new customers. As a reason, the AOK called a good service and the fact that all affiliated local health insurance „the whole year no additional contribution“ raise.
The survey thus confirms that the AOK benefits most from the migratory movements of the insured. According to industry insiders, the AOK's 14 health insurance companies gained around 521,000 insured persons last year. The Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) is ranked with about 230,000 new members. In third place is the "Barmer GEK", which should welcome 69,000 new members. A total of 13 health insurance companies are currently making an additional contribution. Other funds have already announced a flat-rate additional contribution for the current year. Including the BKK Hoesch, which wants to raise 45 euros per quarter. Most health insurance companies with additional contribution currently require eight euros per month. (Sb)
Also read:
BKK Hoesch requires 45 euros additional contribution
Health insurance additional contribution no major change
13 health insurance companies charge additional contribution
Health insurance additional contributions: change is worthwhile
Picture: Gerd Altmann