Thicker makes floppy overweight inhibits erections

Thicker makes floppy overweight inhibits erections / Health News
Power overweight impotent?
About obesity circulate myths and facts. No myth is: Hidden belly fat weakens the potency. This is the thesis of urologist Oliver Gralla.

Without an erection without blood
Hypertension, diabetes and disorders of fat metabolism are typical consequences of hidden belly fat, the so-called ball belly. As a result, blood vessels clog in the long run and so not enough blood in the erectile tissue of the penis - the erection is softer.

A ball belly lies on hidden belly fat. This turns testosterone into estrogen and weakens the erection. (RAM / fotolia)

Disturbed erection: A warning
The erectile tissue of the penis are filigree. An erectile dysfunction resulting from lack of blood supply is a signal for serious cardiovascular problems if the condition does not change.

testosterone deficiency
Not only lack of blood flow leads to a weak erection, but the abdominal fat changes the hormones; It lowers male testosterone. Hormones determine the sexual arousal.

What happens to the testosterone?
Adipose tissue transforms male testosterone into female estrogen. Few testosterone in man not only damages the erection, but also promotes diabetes such as heart attacks and the breakdown of muscle mass.

Long-term process
Testosterone levels do not go down overnight, so sufferers often do not notice the problem. A study by Harvard showed that obese people had a 90% higher risk of erectile problems after 14 years than the normal weight.

Weight lifting helps
In addition to weight loss, weight training helps to break through the fat logic and raise testosterone levels again. At the same time strength athletes hold on to the muscle breakdown. The regular passage into the Muckibude increases the production of testosterone by about 30%.

Other causes of impotence?
Physical causes of erectile dysfunction include: arteriosclerosis, high cholesterol, diabetes, kidney failure or nervous disorders. But obesity is also a major trigger for these diseases, except for chronic nervous diseases.

Shrinking penis
The thicker a man is, the shorter the penis becomes. Strictly speaking, the penis does not shrink, but is obscured by the fat. So if you reduce the weight, the penis gets bigger, obese people lose ten kilos, that means a two centimeters longer penis.

When is a stomach too thick?
An abdominal circumference at the level of the belly button up to 94 centimeters, is not a problem. He is already too thick up to 102 centimeters, then it becomes critical. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)