Diabetes Twelve risk factors decoded

Diabetes Twelve risk factors decoded / Health News

A scientific study has discovered twelve new genetic risk factors for the disease type II diabetes.

(28.06.2010) Diabetes type II has long since developed into a so-called widespread disease in the highly developed industrial nations. Unhealthy lifestyle, obesity and lack of exercise can trigger type II diabetes. An international study has now for the first time explored twelve new genetic risk factors for the disease. The scientists also found a link between diabetes and the X chromosome. The research results were published in the journal "Nature Genetics".

In diabetes, the sugar metabolism is disturbed. Risk factors such as overweight, unhealthy and high-fat diet as well as insufficient exercise can strongly promote type 2 diabetes. But researchers have now also researched important genetic components that contribute to the onset of the disease. The scientists from the Helmholtz Zentrum München and the German Diabetes Center in Düsseldorf discovered twelve new gene variants that may favor the development of type II diabetes. A total of 38 genetic risk factors for type II diabetes are now known.

The research group consisted of a number of international scientists from Germany, England, Iceland, the USA and 8 other countries. The scientists evaluated the data of about 140,000 subjects examined. Using this data, the researchers identified 12 genetic risk factors, 11 of which are responsible for insulin production and influence the efficacy of the body's own insulin. "An important finding of the study is that some of the genetic loci associated with diabetes risk also contain risk variants for other diseases, such as coronary heart disease, autoimmune or cancer." explained Wolfgang Rathmann from the German Diabetes Center. Here, there would be evidence that certain proteins are relevant to multiple diseases at the same time.

Another important note from the study was the question of whether men or women are more at risk of diabetes. In the course of the study, a genetic association of type 2 diabetes with the X chromosome was detected for the first time. Here, an indication of possible differences in diabetic risk could be hidden. Because women have two X chromosomes and men each have an X and a Y chromosome.

The scientists justify their study with the further development of diabetes prevention and therapy. "If we know the exact causes of the widespread disease Diabetes Type-II, we can develop more effective prevention and treatment approaches“, said Thomas Illig from the Institute of Epidemiology. In Germany alone, around six million people suffer from diabetes. However, many affected people know nothing about their disease, as the study has proven. Therefore, it can be assumed that the number of unreported cases of diabetes type II patients should be significantly higher. An undiscovered diabtes can have serious consequences for those affected, as possible sequelae continue to be favored. By a blood test with a family doctor, a possible diabetes can be determined very quickly. (Sb)

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