Diabetes sugar in low blood sugar

Diabetes sugar in low blood sugar / Health News

First aid: The German Diabetes Society advises immediate sugar intake in low blood sugar


In the autumn of last year, a 15-year-old girl developed acute hypoglycaemia as a result of her Type 1 diabetes. When she then asked for glucose in a pharmacy, the pharmacist refused the request and sent the girl away, as newspapers reported.

The designated in medical jargon „hypoglycemia“ Disease, formerly known as juvenile diabetes, as it occurs predominantly in childhood and adolescence, and is rarely diagnosed in adults. According to the German Center for Diabetes Research, an estimated six million people in Germany suffer from diabetes. The prosecution then investigated on suspicion of failure to help against the pharmacist, who publicly apologized for his behavior.

Readers of an internet blog of a pharmacist magazine, however, considered the girl's behavior as inappropriate. Some blamed the parents for the predicament, as their diabetes daughter had no money or food to deal with quickly in such a not-so-rare case. Other readers even spoke of „scrounge“.

„Such allegations against people with diabetes and hypoglycaemia are widespread and wrong“, assessed Professor med. Andreas Fritsche, press spokesman of the DDG the comments in the blog. „We remind patients to always carry glucose. Nevertheless, it can happen in rare cases that this is not at hand and unwanted hypoglycemia arises.“ But how can outsiders realize that their counterparts really need help because of insulin deficiency? Not infrequently, the behavior of people with low blood sugar is similar to that of drunks, explained Fritsche.

Help without much effort
It is comparatively easy to help with low blood sugar. A sweetened drink, sweetened food, or the gift of glucose were enough to get those affected back on their feet quickly.

Therefore, the German Diabetes Society advises to administer sugar immediately if hypoglycaemia is suspected. „It just needs to be taken to ensure that the patient is still conscious“, explains the DDG expert. If the diabetic diabetes patient is unconscious, an emergency call should always be made.

Due to the predominantly negative reaction of the readers in the internet blog, the DGG emphasizes explicitly that hypoglycemia is a disease that usually arises without any fault of its own. „Some people with diabetes also suffer from hypoglycaemic disorders, the hypoglycemia attacks them without warning“, said Professor Fritsche. „Unfortunately, hypoglycaemia is often downplayed and generally confused with hunger and fatigue among the population.“

In addition to the risk of falling into a coma, the sequelae of this disease are insidious. Diabetes Melitus favors the development of strokes, heart attacks and often causes the arteries to close off over time. and people who work with diabetes patients can learn more about the condition through special diabetes training sessions. (Fr)

Image: Annamartha