Always consider diabetes disease when choosing a career

Always consider diabetes disease when choosing a career / Health News
Diabetes: Consider possible restrictions when choosing a career
Today, a diabetes disorder is often relatively easy to control and only associated with manageable restrictions in everyday life. When choosing a career, however, adolescents with diabetes should be aware of their condition and consult with a doctor before deciding on a job. Although adolescents affected could basically learn almost any occupation, there are disproportionate risks associated with certain occupations, warns Oliver Ebert, expert of the German Diabetes Association (DDG), in a recent release from the news agency "dpa"..

According to the specialist, adolescents with diabetes should consult a doctor before choosing a profession. Although they could theoretically learn most professions, certain activities involve disproportionate risks and therefore exclude corresponding occupations. This applies, for example, to occupations in which a protective suit must be worn at work, such as the handling of radioactive substances or toxic chemicals. In the case of hypoglycaemia, it may not be possible to safely remove the protective suit.

Occupations in which a protective suit must be worn can be problematic for diabetics. (Image: endostock /

Threatening problems in the long run
In addition to the known limitations, those concerned should also consider when choosing a career that the disease may be associated with health changes that are difficult to predict, which is why activities that permanently require high levels of physical performance are less appropriate, explains the DDG expert. Here, according to Ebert, problems could arise in the long run, even if the profession is initially possible. In any case, it therefore makes sense first to clarify with a doctor to what extent a desired activity is appropriate. (Fp)