Diabetes due to stress at work?

Diabetes due to stress at work? / Health News

Job stress increases the risk of diabetes


A high workload in the job is associated with a significantly increased risk of type 2 diabetes, according to a recent evaluation of population-based study data by scientists of Helmholtz Zentrum München. Their research results have the researchers around Dr. med. Cornelia Huth and Professor Karl-Heinz Ladwig in the journal „Psychosomatic Medicine“ released.

Stress at work has, according to the researchers „multiple negative health effects.“For example, a systemic inflammatory response in the body and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease have already been clearly associated with work-related stress. „Whether and how a high workload influences the development of type 2 diabetes, however, is assessed differently so far“, The scientists of Helmholtz Zentrum München continue to report. However, the current investigation comes to a clear conclusion. Therefore „People with a high workload and at the same time low control over the activities performed have about a 45 percent higher risk for type 2 diabetes than those with a low workload“, This is the message from the Helmholtz Zentrum.

Relationship between workload and diabetes risk
The scientists from the Institute of Epidemiology II (EPI II) at the Helmholtz Zentrum München (HMGU) evaluated in collaboration with Professor Dr. med. Johannes Kruse from the University Hospital Giessen and Marburg, Germany, collected data from more than 5,300 working, 29- to 66-year-old participants in the MONICA / KORA population-based cohort study. At baseline, none of the participants had diabetes. In the follow-up period of 13 years on average, however, almost 300 people were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. In many cases, researchers found a connection with the indicated workload. It is the „Increased workload risk independent of classic risk factors for diabetes, e.g. Overweight, age or gender“ Helmholtz Zentrum München reported.

New approaches in the prevention of common diseases called for
The analysis of the researchers also makes it clear that a considerable proportion of the workforce in Germany is exposed to considerable stress at work. „According to our data, about every fifth employee is affected by a high mental workload“, reports Professor Ladwig. This burden does not arise through the „normal job stress“, but by very high work demands with at the same time little scope for action and decision. Both dimensions were comprehensively covered in the surveys, Ladwig continued. The study leader concludes that „In view of the massive health consequences of stress-associated diseases, preventive measures against common diseases such as diabetes should start at this point too.“ In general, environmental factors and lifestyle contribute significantly to the development of widespread diseases in Germany, such as diabetes mellitus, reports Helmholtz Zentrum München. The goal is therefore to develop new approaches for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of major common diseases. (Fp)

Picture credits: Rainer Sturm