Diabetes movement is particularly important for affected children

Diabetes movement is particularly important for affected children / Health News
Lowering Arteriosclerosis Risk: Exercise important for children with diabetes
According to the German Diabetes Association, more than six million people in Germany suffer from diabetes alone. Also more and more children are affected. For them, according to scientists, it is particularly important to move regularly. This reduces the risk of secondary diseases.

Prevent diabetes sequelae
More and more people are suffering from diabetes. Many people often do not know for a long time about their illness. After the diagnosis, those affected are usually recommended to change their lifestyle. At the top of the tips for everyday life with diabetes are a healthy diet and sufficient exercise. This can often be prevented secondary diseases. Because diabetes often causes diseases of the cardiovascular system over time, because high blood sugar permanently damages the vessels and organs. In addition, diabetics suffer increasingly from arteriosclerosis, (arteriosclerosis), which in turn further increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

In order to strengthen the cardiovascular system and to avoid the mentioned consequences as far as possible, a moderate sports or exercise program is generally recommended for diabetes. This also applies to diabetic children.

Patients with diabetes are usually advised to exercise regularly. This also applies to children with a sugar disorder. This reduces the risk of secondary diseases. (Image: Robert Kneschke / fotolia.com)

Exercise for children with diabetes
As the experts of the Professional Association of Paediatricians (BVKJ) report on their website "kinderaerzte-im-netz.de", the risk for children with a sugar disease to develop atherosclerosis, the lower, the more steps they go per day , According to Australian researchers, 1,000 steps more per day have a positive effect on the vascular health of the little ones.

In their study, published in the diabetesjournals of the American Diabetes Association, 90 children were admitted to type 1 diabetes; 88 of them wore an activity tracker for 23.2 hours a day on their arms. It turned out that 55 percent of children went less than 10,000 steps a day.

1,000 steps per day more
There was a correlation between the mean and maximum aortic intima-media thickness (AIMT, thickness of the inner vessel wall) and the average number of steps per day. As the experts report, the intima-media thickness is measured by sonography (ultrasound) (usually in the carotid arteries) to detect atherosclerotic vascular changes in time. There was a decrease in the mean and highest AIMT of 0.0082 and 0.0093 mm, respectively, with an increase of 1000 steps per day. The correlation was thus independent of disturbing variables such as age, body mass index, blood pressure and blood lipid levels.

According to the Physician's Briefing, the authors said, "Our findings demonstrate the importance of drawing attention to the importance of regular exercise when educating and advising children with type 1 diabetes." (Ad)