Diabetes overdose with stevia possible?

Diabetes overdose with stevia possible? / Health News

The vegetable sweetener of stevia should be consumed in diabetes only to a small extent


Stevia has been approved as a food additive in the European Union since December 2011. Since it is low in calories and does not raise blood sugar levels, it is recommended as a sweetener for diabetics. Nevertheless, diabetes associations now warn of the consequences of a possible overdose.

Diabetes associations warn about unclear consequences of overdose
Organization like „diabetesDE“ and the „Association of Diabetes Counseling and Training Professions in Germany“ (VDBD) warn now against the unclear consequences of an overdose of stevia. Professor Hans-Georg Joost, Scientific Director at the German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke (DifE) and Head of the Department of Science of "diabetesDE" - German Diabetes Aid explains: „The dangers of stevia overdose are still unclear, the dosage is currently difficult for the consumer to control and the sweetness threshold remains high due to the uncontrolled use of sweeteners.“ Stevia is said to have up to 300 times the sweetening power of sugar.

Stevia is in the European Union as „Food additive E 960“ authorized. For the approval of the sweetener, numerous studies on the effect have been carried out. Stevia was suspected of being carcinogenic, mutagenic, and reducing fertility. None of these suspicions were confirmed in the studies, so the „Stevia“ could also be authorized in the European Union. Stevia has been used as a sweetener and medicinal herb in Japan for over 50 years.

No more than 4 milligrams per kilogram of body weight daily
Nevertheless, diabetes associations recommend only limited consumption of stevia-containing foods, such as ice cream, jam or lemonade. Elisabeth Schnellbächer, CEO of VDBD, warns: „Stevia-sweetened finished products and presumably drinks are not necessarily healthier. As with products containing traditional sweeteners, consumers should not be under the impression that such foods can be safely consumed as they are alleged to have no effect on blood sugar levels or weight.“ According to the experts, diabetics should basically eat foods like cakes „unfavorable nutritional profile“ have to consume only in small quantities. Consumption of the tolerable daily allowance (ADI) of 4 milligrams of stevia per kilogram of body weight per day is considered to be harmless to health, reports the German Diabetes Aid.

What is Stevia??
Stevia gets out of the plant „Stevia rebaudiana“ won that as well „Süßkraut“ or „Stevia“ is known. Despite its high sweetening power, it is considered energy-free, because Stevia does not enter the blood like other nutrients through the stomach and intestines, but is transported from the large intestine into the liver and converted there as steviol glucuronide is excreted in the urine. Stevia may have a hypotensive effect. However, this must first be investigated in further studies.

Stevia in naturopathy
As a medicinal plant finds „Stevia Rebaudiana“ in naturopathy a versatile application. For example, it is designed to combat heartburn and is used to lower high blood pressure. Because it inhibits the formation of plaque, the plant is also used in toothpastes and mouthwashes. (Ag)

Read about Stevia:
Stevia: Natural sweetness approved without calories
Jerusalem artichokes: Sweet tubers with dietary value
Stevia: Exploitation of sweetener from nature?