German naturopathy day in Hanover

German naturopathy day in Hanover / Health News

Heilpraxis is sponsor of the German Naturopathy Day

Naturopathy is in vogue. The application of naturopathic procedures is offered and requested in numerous complaints. In addition, the knowledge about the mode of action of the methods is constantly growing. On the German naturopathy day in Hanover, the latest findings and developments in the field of naturopathy will be presented next Saturday. Heilpraxis is the exclusive sponsor of the congress.

On Saturday, 6th October 2018, the German Naturopathy Day will take place from 8:30 am in the Congress Center of Hannover. The naturopathy day is organized by the Association of German Naturopaths and sponsored by Heilpraxis. The congress offers naturopathic lectures, workshops, political news and extensive information on natural treatment methods for those interested in naturopathy both professionally and privately.

On Saturday, the doors to this year's German Naturopathy Day open in the Hannover Congress Centrum. All friends of naturopathy are welcome. (Image: Alexander Raths /

This year's naturopathy day will take place in the Congress Centrum in Hannover. The event provides an ideal opportunity to socialize or refresh contacts among naturopaths and to deepen the knowledge of practical treatments. But also for all privately interested the congress offers a lot of interesting facts. In addition to highly qualified lectures and practical workshops, everything about naturopathy revolves around the exhibitors' stands.

Raffle and barbecue

In addition to the technical seminars and workshops, there will also be a tombola raffle with naturopathic prizes, and the congress ends with a free barbecue evening, during which the friends of the vegetarian and vegan diet will not miss out on anything. (Vb)