The pain must also be out of the head

The pain must also be out of the head / Health News

Early treatment important - for example with radon heat


Frightening numbers: In two years, patients with chronic pain find help in more than ten doctors' offices on average. It often takes months, if not years, for experts to identify causes. But they last for weeks and months, they often become independent and become independent diseases. Those who do not want to get that far should look for alternative methods at an early stage. Especially after multimodal concepts that do not just look at aching body parts.

Pain today has more people than cancer, heart disease and diabetes together. Often the pain is based on certain illnesses, tension, injuries or inflammations. If you do not want to take the usual measures to relieve pain, or if you want to avoid the sometimes severe side effects of medications, you will find a good solution in radon therapy. The healing process is based on three factors: heat, high humidity and radon. The tropical-humid climate creates a desired therapeutic fever. „As a result, the blood vessels expand, resulting in better blood circulation and relaxation of pain-plagued muscles. In addition, the climate improves the uptake of radon“, explains PD Bertram Hölzl, radon expert and medical director of the Gasteiner Heilstollen. „It stimulates cell repair mechanisms and activates healing and anti-inflammatory messengers.“ These relieve long-lasting pain and accompanying symptoms. It is usually carried out in the form of a several-week cure in a Radonthermalstollen. Many studies confirm these long-lasting, pain-relieving effects. In addition, pain patients benefit from lower drug requirements. Another advantage: The form of therapy is considered to have few side effects. Health insurance companies often take about 90 percent of the therapy costs.

Millions of people who do not find a cure for their pain in time will eventually reach the point where the pain itself becomes a disease. Original, physical causes then take a back seat, but pain remains. In the process, patients do not conceive of chronic pain, but there are changes in the nervous system: Brain and spinal cord remember pain stimuli that recur over and over again because of a wrong posture or a tense back. It forms a memory of pain, which also persists when there is no more pain stimulus. „Therefore, not only one form of therapy should be the focus, but should be complemented by other measures“, says PD Hölzl. „This includes physical therapies, massages, TCM services, laboratory examinations, functional diagnostics, health counseling, and patient education to break the vicious cycle of pain and pain memory.“