Deospray as a drug 15-year-old lands in the hospital

Deospray as a drug 15-year-old lands in the hospital / Health News
15-year-old uses deospray as a drug and ends up in the hospital
In Bernau near Berlin, a 15-year-old used a deodorant spray as a drug and then had to be taken to hospital. The sniffing of deodorant gas can have serious health consequences. In a young girl, it led to death last year.

Deospray sniffed
In Brandenburg, Bernau near Berlin (Barnim district), a 15-year-old has sneaked into a threatening state of health with a deodorant spray. According to media reports, a walker had noticed the teenager on Saturday on a dirt road and notified the ambulance.

Deopsrays are actually used to freshen up. However, a 15-year-old in Brandenburg used Deo as a drug and ended up in the hospital. (Image: innervisionpro /

Teenager had to vomit several times
The young man lay on the ground, vomiting several times and unable to get up on his own. Barnim police and ambulance service personnel took care of the adolescent, who told the rescuers that he had sniffed deodorant to get intoxicated. He was taken to a clinic.

Inhaling deodorant gas can be dangerous
Experts have been warning for some time about the risks of solvents contained in the deodorant doses. The inhalation of much deodorant gas can lead to life-threatening disorders of the cardiovascular system. In addition, inhalation can lead to loss of consciousness and respiratory paralysis. There is also the risk of asphyxiation due to lack of oxygen.

Death by Deospray
Especially for young teenagers Deospray is a dangerous gateway drug, because it is available everywhere, legal and costs little. At the end of last year, two girls from the town of Buehl in the west of Baden-Wuerttemberg sniffed to the point of fainting. In March 2015, a 13-year-old girl from Schleswig-Holstein died after sniffing Deospray. (Ad)