Deodorants with aluminum risks and alternatives

Deodorants with aluminum risks and alternatives / Health News

Deodorants with aluminum: risks and alternatives


Most people use deodorants; many of them contain aluminum. Aluminum-containing deodorants are suspected to increase the risk of breast cancer and Alzheimer's. Are there alternatives to these antiperspirants?

Many deodorants contain aluminum
For a majority of people, the use of deodorant is part of the daily grooming ritual. But many of the supplements contain aluminum salts. Increased uptake of aluminum has been associated with the development of breast cancer and Alzheimer's for years. There are also alternatives without aluminum, which are now available from „RTL“ were tested. The TV station had examined three deodorants and let the testers climb 13 floors upwards. With the help of blotting paper in the T-shirts the result was checked. Even if the most expensive product won the test, none of the tested products could have been 100% dry.

Aluminum-free deodorants are a healthier alternative
„Only the aluminum salt is able to inhibit sweat production“, explained the dermatologist dr. Wolfgang Philipp-Dormston opposite „RTL“. „In principle, we recommend carefully handling aluminum-containing deodorants, but do not panic. If you have shaved your shoulders, you should avoid an aluminum-containing deodorant, because that can go directly into the bloodstream“, says the expert. The testers came to the conclusion that deodorants without aluminum are the healthier alternative, even if they do not completely close the sweat glands.

Increased risk of breast cancer or Alzheimer's not proven
At the beginning of 2014, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) announced that the use of antiperspirants led to an increased uptake of aluminum. Scientists are still disagreeing whether and how much such cosmetics affect the health. So far there is no reliable evidence that could prove that deodorants with aluminum can cause breast cancer or Alzheimer's. However, it is generally known that if there is hypersensitivity to some of the ingredients, itching rash or allergies may be caused. People who are plagued by excessive sweating, remain as an alternative to deodorants only medical therapies with tablets, Botox injections or painful interventions. (Sb)

Picture: birgitH