These are the common diseases of men

These are the common diseases of men / Health News

Barmer Health Report 2013: Men neglect their health


The issue of men's health has been discussed in public for years. Men usually deal differently with their health than women. They are not interested in healthy nutrition and are less likely to attend check-ups. In doing so, men often use the cliché of the "health malady" and thus follow the stereotype intended for them by society. The fact that men have on average 5 years less life expectancy than women is more due to societal influences than to a genetic disposition.

The current Health Report 2013 of Barmer Krankenkasse deals in detail with men's health in working life and shows which diseases occur more frequently in which age group. The study focused on three diseases that affect the health of men during the individual phases of life. Nationwide, the data of 3.6 million workers who were insured last year at the Barmer Krankenkasse were evaluated.

Young men go to the doctor less often
It turned out that men at a younger age are less likely to go to the doctor and also have fewer absences than women. This is often justified by the role model of the "strong man" anchored in society.

According to the study, in the age group of 15 to 29-year-old men, hand, head, knee or ankle injuries were more common than among women of the same age. Injury-related sick days in men in 2012 were three days. In the same age women, however, only 1.2 days. This is explained by the generally greater willingness of men to take risks. On the other hand, in the age group 30 to 49 years, it was more common for back pain affecting men. On average, they were unable to work for 19 days because of a musculoskeletal disorder. In the age group of 50 plus years, it was cardiovascular diseases that made the men increasingly struggling. As a trigger for diabetes, too much greasy food and high blood pressure were identified. Although there are a number of informational options that are tailored to men's needs, preventive measures are more likely to be perceived in the workplace than in the private environment of men.

Men of old age have more serious illnesses than women
Although men in younger years have fewer doctor contacts, as well as on average lower absenteeism compared to women, with age they are usually more frequently or earlier affected by serious illnesses than women.

Suicide is the fourth most common cause of death in men
The study also found that 802 young men died. Both road accidents and suicides were registered much less in women than in males. Suicide is the fourth most common cause of death among men in all ages, according to the study. "Self-killing is often preceded by mental illnesses that men do nothing about because it is a sign of weakness," explains Professor Dinges of the Institute for the History of Medicine at the Robert Bosch Foundation. "Men have been made less durable, less healthy and less health-conscious than women through many influences over the last 150 years." In order to empower men in health issues, they must increase their preparedness for early detection in the future. Otherwise there will be little improvement despite technical progress. (Fr)