CSU Percentage additional contributions for health insurances?

CSU Percentage additional contributions for health insurances? / Health News

In the dispute over the introduction of the head lump sum, the CSU demands additional contributions from the statutory health insurance.

(25.06.2010) Obviously there will be additional contributions for all health insurances in the future, which will be levied on the percentage of the insured person, if the CSU wishes. A general capitation, as required by the FDP, continues to reject the CSU. With such a percentage additional contribution one wants to achieve a "social balance". The model of the FDP continues to reject the CSU.

In the negotiations on the deficit of the statutory health insurance, the CSU wants to achieve a "social balance" on the introduction of a percentage additional contribution. Like the regular health insurance contribution, the supplement should be calculated as a percentage of the insured person's income. In this way, one wants to "socially absorb" the rising additional burdens of the insured. the contribution should be collected directly from the salary.

The CSU demanded within the coalition that "spending limits have priority". The Bavarian health minister Markus Söder (CSU) told the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" that this is "fairest and unbureaucratic, if we increase the additional contributions in full in the future". It is not effective to increase the maximum additional contribution of 8 euros, and then to return the money on the "social compensation", so Söder. So now at least two euros would be charged for administrative fees for the additional contributions of the health insurance companies. Because if an insured does not pay the contribution, expensive debt collection procedures are incurred. "Faster and fairer is to make the contribution percentage," Söder argued against the SZ. The CSU Commission would represent a "unified opinion".

Currently, the coalition is arguing over the planned health care reform. The FDP continues to introduce a capitation. The amounts are to be levied on a flat-rate basis by all insured persons. Low paid workers should be relieved by a "social compensation". What the "compensation" should look like remains the secret of the party. The flat rate additional contribution of the FDP should be 14 euros per month. The additional contribution should be collected by all members on a monthly basis, regardless of income. On the first of July, the leaders of the parties meet again to discuss the future of contribution formation. It is expected that the dispute over the introduction of additional contributions will continue. (Sb)