High-cholesterol diet promotes the formation of tumors

High-cholesterol diet promotes the formation of tumors / Health News

Physicians are investigating the relationship between cholesterol and colorectal cancer

A diet that is particularly high in cholesterol leads to an increased risk of developing colon cancer. With this type of diet, the rate of colorectal cancer development is accelerated by more than a factor of 100, according to a recent study.

Scientists at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) found in their study that a diet high in cholesterol massively increases the formation of tumors. The experts published the results of their study in the journal "Cell Stem Cell".

Physicians in their study examined the relationship between high-cholesterol diet and colorectal cancer risk. (Image: Juan Gärtner / fotolia.com)

High cholesterol leads to faster division of intestinal stem cells

In their study, researchers on mice investigated the effects of a diet that is particularly high in cholesterol. The physicians were able to determine that the increase in the cholesterol level of the animals led to a faster division of the so-called intestinal stem cells. This effect allowed tumors to form much faster.

Tumor formation has been accelerated more than 100-fold

"We were impressed to see that cholesterol affects the growth of stem cells in the gut, which in turn accelerates the rate of tumorigenesis more than 100-fold," Dr. Peter Tontonoz in a press release from UCLA. "While the link between cholesterol and colon cancer is well established, no one has explained the mechanism behind it," adds the expert.

Cholesterol in the intestinal stem cells

The scientists increased cholesterol in the intestinal stem cells in some mice by giving them more cholesterol with their diet. In other mice, the researchers changed a particular gene that regulates the so-called phospholipids. These phospholipids cause the cells to produce more cholesterol themselves, the researchers explain. In both groups of mice increased as a result of the proliferation of stem cells.

How did the elevated cholesterol levels affect the laboratory mice??

As the cholesterol levels of the animals increased, their cells split faster. As a result, the tissues expanded and their intestines lengthened. These changes significantly accelerated the rate of tumor formation, the researchers explain. The mechanism, which has not yet been established in other studies, is driving tumor growth in people with high-cholesterol diets, experts suggest.

Can cholesterol-lowering drugs reduce the risk of colorectal cancer?

Many scientists are still discussing whether cholesterol-lowering drugs, such as statins, which are often prescribed to people at risk for heart attacks or strokes, help reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.

Further research should address the risk of other cancers

In the future, UCLA's research team will investigate whether the phospholipid-cholesterol interaction they have discovered plays a similar role in accelerating the growth of other cancers. (As)