
cholesterol /
Cholesterol is an elemental component of the cell membrane and fulfills important protective functions. In addition, cholesterol makes the cell envelope flexible and supple. The fat-like substance has even more functions. Bile acid is produced in the liver, which is important for the digestion of fat. It is also involved in hormone production and in the production of vitamin D. To transport cholesterol in the body to the required places, this dock to proteins. Here one differentiates between low density lipoprotein (LDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL). LDL supplies the cells with necessary fats. If there is too much LDL in the body, fat molecules can accumulate on the vessel walls, obstructing blood flow. The HDL removes excess cholesterol from the cells and brings it to the liver, where it can be broken down.

High levels of cholesterol in the blood are associated with many diseases. The higher LDL and the lower HDL, the greater the risk of arteriosclerosis, the so-called atherosclerosis. Over time peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAD) may develop from initial circulatory disorders, or coronary heart disease (CHD) may occur with occlusion of one or more coronary arteries, so that adequate blood supply to the heart muscle is no longer guaranteed. In the worst case, heart attacks or strokes threaten, which can end fatally without emergency medical assistance or lead to severe impairments and other health effects. (Vb)

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