Reduce cholesterol Even a single therapy protects against elevated LDL cholesterol levels

Reduce cholesterol Even a single therapy protects against elevated LDL cholesterol levels / Health News
Lower cholesterol: One-time therapy protects at-risk patients from heart attack
In about every third German is the cholesterol too high. Patients are usually recommended to change their diet first. If this is not enough, cholesterol-lowering medications are often prescribed. German researchers are now reporting a new therapy that can sustainably protect against elevated LDL cholesterol levels.

High cholesterol levels threaten dangerous diseases
According to health experts, about every third person in Germany suffers from elevated cholesterol levels. A frequent consequence of an elevated cholesterol level is arteriosclerosis. To lower the cholesterol, we usually recommend a change in diet. If this is not enough, cholesterol-lowering medications are often prescribed. Researchers from Germany are now reporting a new therapy that can sustainably protect high-risk patients.

Already a single therapy with a special acid protects patients with a high risk for cardiovascular diseases in the long term against elevated LDL cholesterol levels. (Image: jarun011 /

One-time therapy can protect high-risk patients
Even the one-time treatment with a ribonucleic acid - a "small-interfering RNA" (siRNA) - protects patients at high risk for cardiovascular disease sustained high levels of LDL cholesterol, a major risk factor for heart attack and stroke, reports the Berlin University Hospital Charité in one Message.

This is the result of a clinical study conducted by scientists from the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the Berlin Institute of Health Research together with colleagues from Imperial College London.

The scientists published their findings in the latest issue of the "New England Journal of Medicine".

Too much cholesterol increases the risk of vascular calcification
As explained in the communication, the fat molecule cholesterol plays an important role in cell metabolism as a component of cell walls and as a component of many hormones.

However, if there is too much cholesterol in the blood, the risk of vascular calcification and diseases such as heart attack or stroke increases.

High-risk patients who suffer from very high LDL cholesterol levels due to hereditary disease are particularly at risk. In these patients, a protein with the acronym PCSK9 (proprotein convertase subtilisin / kexin type 9) prevents the liver from removing LDL cholesterol from the blood.

Effectiveness and efficiency examined
The researchers around the two first authors Prof. Ulf Landmesser, director of the Department of Cardiology at the Charité on Campus Benjamin Franklin and Prof. Kausik Ray of Imperial College London, used the principle of so-called RNA interference ("small interfering RNA") in their study. ), a cell mechanism that was discovered a few years ago and can effectively eliminate harmful proteins in the body.

When double-stranded siRNA enters the cell, it is bound by a specific complex (RISC complex). This can be used purposefully for the muting of genes.

The scientists therefore investigated the efficacy and efficiency of an siRNA against the protein PCSK9. A total of 501 high-risk patients with elevated LDL cholesterol levels received subcutaneously (injection under the skin) either different dosages of the drug Inclisiran or a placebo.

New therapy to prevent heart attack and stroke
According to the study authors, Inclisiran significantly reduced both the amount of protein and LDL cholesterol levels, the latter by up to 41.9 percent after a single dose and up to 52.6 percent after a double dose.

"Particularly interesting for us is the long-lasting effect of the treatment, which was visible after a single administration for more than nine months," said Prof. Ulf Landmesser.

"The next step is to further develop the treatment in a large clinical trial program as a new treatment to prevent heart attack and stroke in high-risk patients," he added. (Ad)