Lowering cholesterol - the best tips and home remedies

Lowering cholesterol - the best tips and home remedies /
"Remove butter and eggs from your diet - you need to lower your cholesterol." Many years ago, her family doctor's recommendation was too high in cholesterol. This has fortunately changed. Cholesterol is a vital substance, a building block for every cell and the source substance for hormones, vitamin D and bile acids. Cholesterol is not only fed through the diet, but also produced by the body for the most part on its own. A healthy (not necessarily low-fat diet!) And some helpful home remedies - that in combination helps to lower elevated cholesterol levels.


  • Cholesterol has important functions in the body
  • The "good guys" and the "bad guys"
  • The right foods
  • The different fatty acids
  • Saturated & unsaturated fatty acids
  • Wholemeal, fiber
  • nuts
  • Eggs and cholesterol
  • fruit and vegetables
  • Sport, exercise, relaxation
  • Green tea
  • herbal tea
  • ginger
  • bitters
  • lemon juice
  • oatmeal
  • Heilerde
  • Garlic, wild garlic
  • psyllium
  • Normal values
  • What causes an elevated cholesterol level
  • Risk - too much cholesterol
  • General Tips
  • Meat in moderation
  • loss in weight
  • School medical therapy

As part of a blood test, the total cholesterol level in the body is usually determined first. This alone is not yet meaningful. Increased cholesterol itself is symptom-free, only with long-term increase in the values ​​can be unpleasant effects such as gallstones show. If the value is too high, there are other values ​​to consider, such as HDL, LDL and the LDL / HDL quotient. In order to lower cholesterol sustainably, a change in diet takes first place.

Cholesterol has important functions in the body

Since the cell is the building block of life and cholesterol occurs in every cell, it is clear what significance this substance has for us. The cholesterol is in the shell, the so-called cell membrane, which protects the cell from intruders. In addition, the fat-like substance makes the membrane flexible and supple. But that's not all, cholesterol has many more tasks. In the liver, the bile acids are produced, which are important for our digestion of fat. Furthermore, this vital building block is needed for the production of some hormones, such as testosterone, progesterone and estrogen. Cholesterol is involved in the production of vitamin D as well.

An examination of the blood levels provides information about possibly elevated HDL and LDL cholesterol. (Image: jarun011 / fotolia.com)

The "good guys" and the "bad guys"

The cholesterol is not water but fat soluble. Therefore, a special transport system for this substance is necessary. For that, the body has the proteins. The cholesterol attaches to them and the proteins act like taxis, taking them to where they are needed. LDL and HDL are the two transport companies. Low density lipoprotein (LDL) is the low density lipoprotein that supplies the cells with necessary fats. This is very important. However, if there is too much LDL in the body, fat molecules can accumulate on the vessel walls, obstructing blood flow. In the worst case, the blood flow to the heart or brain is affected. Therefore, this is often referred to colloquially as "bad cholesterol".

In contrast, HDL (high density lipoprotein) is the lipoprotein that collects excess cholesterol from the cells and returns it to the liver, where it can then be broken down. This all means that not only the total cholesterol value in the blood, but above all the values ​​of LDL and HDL are important. The higher the LDL and the lower the HDL, the greater the risk of atherosclerosis (arteriosclerosis). Lowering cholesterol means above all reducing LDL and in the same breath increasing HDL.

The right foods

With the help of healthy ingredients and a fresh preparation, the cholesterol levels are positively influenced in any case. If the cholesterol is massively increased, however, further measures may be necessary. Incidentally, the anti-cholesterol diet does not completely dispense with anything that contains cholesterol. For example, the beloved breakfast egg does not have to be completely wiped off the menu.

LDL and other cholesterol-containing lipoproteins are directly involved in the development and progression of arteriosclerosis (arteriosclerosis). (Image: psdesign1 / fotolia.com)

The different fatty acids

Cholesterol is tackled by choosing the right fatty acids. There are differences between monounsaturated and polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids. A simple identification feature is that the more solid the fat in the refrigerator after storage, the more saturated fats it contains. If this is also stuck outside the refrigerator, there are probably unhealthy, hardened fats in it.

Saturated & unsaturated fatty acids

Saturated fatty acids increase LDL; that is, to lower cholesterol, these fats should be better reduced. They are contained in animal products such as meat (especially in fat varieties), cream, butter, cheese, dairy products (especially whole milk products), egg yolk, lard, sausage, but also in palm fat.

To lower the increased cholesterol, the unsaturated fatty acids are preferable. These increase HDL and lower LDL. Unsaturated fatty acids are included in olive oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, grape seed oil, avocados, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds and sea fish.

These foods contain a high proportion of omega-3 fatty acids. (Image: alex9500 / fotolia.com)

The unsaturated fatty acids are further differentiated into monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. The monounsaturated fatty acids can be produced by the body itself. The polyunsaturated fatty acids are also called essential fatty acids. This means that the body can not produce it itself, but is dependent on the intake of food. They are known by the terms omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3 is mainly found in fatty fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel, but also in flaxseed, canola, soya and linseed. Omega-6 comes in thistle, sunflower and corn germ oil in front of and in pumpkin seeds and wheat germ. The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 should be five to one in a healthy diet. However, this ratio is usually significantly exceeded in our western diet.

Wholemeal, fiber

In order to reduce the cholesterol, the waiver of white flour products such as toast, baguette, and cakes, etc. is recommended. Slow carbohydrates, such as wholegrain bread, oatmeal, whole grain rice and legumes, are preferred. These make longer full, relieve the pancreas and also lower the LDL value. Oat and rice bran as well as steamed apples (with peel!) Also contain important fiber, which eliminates bad cholesterol via the intestine.


In order to lower the cholesterol, it is not necessary to forego relatively fatty nuts. Nuts are proven to help lower cholesterol. It is still unclear whether it is only the unsaturated fatty acids or other substances that keep the cholesterol level in check. A small handful of nuts or almonds, however, is sufficient, because these delicious snacks are extremely healthy, but at the same time also contain a lot of calories. Do without salted nuts.

Trail Food is an extremely healthy snack that can also lower cholesterol when consumed regularly. The healthy fat of nuts combats bad cholesterol. (Image: Stock Photos-MG / fotolia.com)

Eggs and cholesterol

Eggs do not contain as much cholesterol as is often claimed. Because they contain many other nutrients in addition to important amino acids, eggs are even a healthy food and more compatible than other animal proteins. Two of them can be consumed per day without any problems. It is important to enjoy a varied and frequent enjoyment of vegetables.

fruit and vegetables

Everyone knows the recommendation: five servings of vegetables and fruits a day. Those who want to eat healthily and do something for a balanced balance of LDL and HDL, reduce the carbohydrate-rich side dishes like potatoes, rice or noodles during meals and replace them with light vegetables. If you like salad, you should also prefer light dressings with healthy oils. Rapeseed, linseed and walnut oil are highly recommended here. It is essential to eat the salad before 6:00 pm otherwise the intestine will be overburdened overnight. The saponins contained in peas contribute equally to lowering cholesterol and strengthening the immune system. Saponins are among the most effective ingredients in medicinal plants and are also found in asparagus and beetroot. Green artichokes have a special effect, they can lower cholesterol. Furthermore, fiber contained in apples - especially in dried or steamed form - bind cholesterol. The pectin contained in apples is also found in carrots, bananas, eggplant and okra.

Sport, exercise, relaxation

Daily exercise, preferably in the form of endurance training, helps lower cholesterol. No marathon is needed for this, regularity is crucial. Moderate sport, which is fun and, above all, the general state of health, is sufficient. Stress can be a cause of increased blood lipids. Accordingly, deceleration is also important. Relaxation methods like autogenic training, yoga and meditation are helpful here.

The green artichoke belongs to the thistle family, it contains many healthy ingredients. (Image: Alexander Raths / fotolia.com)

Green tea

The green tea is said to have a variety of positive properties, including the reduction of LDL in the blood. This tasty drink should be drunk daily for a longer period of time. On hot days, green tea, chilled with ice cubes and enriched with a dash of lemon juice, is a healthy thirst quencher. Not only does it lower cholesterol, it also helps to lose weight.

herbal tea

The genuine goldenrod and ash leaves naturally help to reduce unhealthy LDL as a tea infusion. The Goldenrod is an imported plant from Indian medicine, originally from America. In addition to the plants mentioned above, gentian, centaury and wormwood are also useful for adding more bitter substances to the body. They can be drunk as a gastrointestinal tea.


Ginger boosts fat digestion. One of them, prepared with ginger water and drunk about 20 minutes before each meal, can help with elevated cholesterol. For the ginger water, a piece of peeled ginger root is cooked for about ten minutes and then removed from the water.


Bitter substances are a blessing for our liver. As this organ is involved in fat metabolism, the bitter herbs and vegetables also help lower cholesterol. Dandelions, arugula, radicchio, artichokes and chicory are best served here, preferably before the actual meal. Likewise, a plant juice from dandelion, artichoke and milk thistle can help - this is available in the health food store. The substances in it stimulate the production of gallium juice, which has a positive effect on the cholesterol level.

Fresh lemon water contains a lot of vitamin C. It has a stimulating effect on the fat metabolism and thus also reduces the cholesterol somewhat. (Image: dschraudolf / fotolia.com)

lemon juice

What also has a positive effect on the lipid metabolism is freshly squeezed lemon juice. This is the best drink in the morning on an empty stomach. The contained vitamin C boosts fat burning. It is important to drink the juice in the morning and not in the evening, as vitamin C can activate the circulation and may make it difficult to sleep at night.


Oatmeal is also one of the healthy home remedies for high cholesterol. Oat bran is best eaten here as it contains the most beta-glucan. This substance binds excess during digestion, such as bile acids, which then have to be re-produced. As cholesterol is consumed, the total value is lowered.


Healing earth is also able to bind unusable substances, including excess fat and cholesterol. Recommended are the healing dekaps ultrafein, which are available in almost every drugstore. Otherwise, normal, fine healing earth can be used. These just stir in water, and drink in small sips. This home remedy has no side effects and can be taken over a longer period of time.

Psyllium help in the natural excretion of cholesterol. (Image: rainbow33 / fotolia.com)

Garlic, wild garlic

Garlic and wild garlic have similar effects. Consuming regularly, both can reduce blood lipids somewhat, as they prevent the accumulation of fat in the vessels. They have a positive effect on the blood flow and thus even lower the blood pressure.


Psyllium seeds have long been used against general constipation, the psyllium husks are also common. These can, when taken regularly, additionally reduce cholesterol. The contained psyllium binds this as swelling substance in the intestine and expels it in a very natural way. But beware: swelling agents require a large amount of fluid, otherwise they can dehydrate the body at the same time!

Normal values

The standard values ​​for cholesterol vary according to age. In general, the total cholesterol in an adult should not exceed the level of 200 mg / dl, with LDL below 160 mg / dl and HDL above 40 mg / dl. For the LDL / HDL quotient, the following values ​​apply: Less than 3.5 in a healthy person without risk factors; in the case of an existing CHD (coronary heart disease), the value should even be less than 2.5. In natural medicine higher values ​​(up to 250mg / dl LDL) are considered normal.

The saponins contained in the birch leaves form the light foam, which acts as a fat remover in the body. The soap nut is based on the same principle. The birch is not included in our diet, but many vegetables contain these substances in small proportions. (Image: Heike Rau / fotolia.com)

What causes an elevated cholesterol level

An elevated cholesterol level not only results from an unhealthy, high-fat diet, but may also have other causes such as hypothyroidism (hyperthyroidism), kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, obesity, alcohol dependence, and genetic lipid metabolism disorders. Highly refined sugars and carbohydrates contribute to the increase in unhealthy cholesterol. These should therefore be avoided as much as possible.

Risk - too much cholesterol

If the total cholesterol level, especially the LDL, is too high for a long time, it can have harmful effects. Too much LDL deposits on the vessel walls, which lose elasticity and blood flow is disturbed. This circulatory disorder can occur throughout the body and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease such as a heart attack or stroke. A buckwheat tea can also help to increase blood circulation.

General Tips

Even the popular butter does not have to be banished immediately to lower the cholesterol. A pretzel without butter? That's hard to imagine. Recent evidence shows that the butter is better than its reputation, especially if it comes only as a thin base on the bread.

The key factor for balanced cholesterol is a healthy diet. Varied and vegetable food should be there. (Image: Alexander Raths / fotolia.com)

Vegetarian spreads can replace sausage and cheese. Tasty are also a slice of wholegrain bread or a wholemeal roll with low-fat cream cheese, topped with cucumber, tomato, rocket or similar. Of course, this requires a rethink. But if blood levels can be improved and the risk of cardiovascular disease is reduced, this is worthwhile. Health food stores, health food stores and drugstores offer healthy, tasty and low-fat alternatives.

Who does not want to do without sausage, should definitely resort to the low-fat varieties. Whole milk products are replaced with skim milk varieties. And those who like sweets prefer to pick sweet fruit and dried fruit. Any food that is fried or even fried in a lot of fat should be avoided. From time to time a piece of cake for coffee, is a piece of quality of life, which must not be renounced. Recommended are fruit cake with low-fat yeast dough. Fat particles with butter cream, cream or thick frosting not only harm the cholesterol value, but also the figure. The trans fatty acids contained therein increase LDL and are generally very unhealthy. To make a delicious, creamy sauce is not necessarily cream or creme fraiche required. Herbal binders, partly based on soybeans, are good alternatives.

To lower cholesterol in the longer term, the amount of fat should be reduced at home while cooking. For frying, coated pans are used which require only small amounts of fat. Grilling or stewing is also a low-fat way to prepare the most diverse dishes. For the salad is a high-quality, native, cold-pressed oil - preferably olive oil - recommended. Also suitable is a cold-pressed walnut or hazelnut oil. And here is an overview of the best oils for the kitchen.

Fat is not the same fat, some fats are poison for cholesterol. However, especially olive oil (here very fresh and still light green) has a very positive effect on HDL. (Image: EcoPim-studio / fotolia.com)

Meat in moderation

Also meat and sausage does not have to be completely renounced. Twice a week this is allowed. But preference is given to low-fat varieties such as chicken, turkey or veal. Innards are not really healthy food anyway. If the cholesterol level is too high, they should be completely removed from the diet.

loss in weight

It does not always have to be the same medication, in itself can be as well curb increased cholesterol by reducing excess weight. Keep in mind that changing the whole and lifelong eating habits is not easy. Maybe a guided fasting on vacation is recommended, in order to find a long-term healthy diet.

School medical therapy

Only if the cholesterol in the blood is very high and the patient in addition to obesity also has other health problems, so-called lipid-lowering drugs are prescribed in the doctor's office. The use of these drugs, however, is good to rethink, as these medicines can unfortunately have health-damaging side effects in addition to their benefits. Even if these medicines are necessary, the diet must also be changed in addition. A healthy lifestyle is the goal, only in this way can the problem be remedied in the long term. (sw, dp, updated on 20.09.2018)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)