Chili as a natural helper when losing weight

Chili as a natural helper when losing weight / Health News

Daily seasoning with chili can increase calorie consumption and reduce cravings for sweets


US researchers report in the science magazine "Physiology & Behavior" of a study paper, according to the Chili (Capsicum) is a good support in losing body findings. On the one hand, regular chili consumption increases the daily calorie consumption and on the other hand, the spice curbs the appetite for sweets and salty foods.

In a study round, a total of 25 subjects participated. The participants were divided into two equal groups. One group seasoned the meal with spicy cayenne pepper for all main meals, while the peer group abstained from additional seasoning. During and after meals, the scientists examined the calorie consumption as well as the body temperature of all participants. In the first group, body temperature and calorie consumption increased. In the second group the values ​​remained unchanged. However, a difference could only be found in those who previously had little or no spice with chili.

Cravings reduced
Another effect was the dietary habits. The hunger for salty, fatty and sweet food was reduced in the Chili participants. Study leader Richard Mattes of Purdue University summarized, „Even small additions to eating habits like seasoning with chilli can be beneficial in the long run.

Chili can lower blood pressure
A health promoting aspect of the chili plant had recently researchers of „Third Military Medical University“ noted in Chongqing, China. In a study, the scientists found that the contained in the chili plant acacia capsaicin contribute to a relaxation of the walls of blood vessels and thus could contribute in the longer term in chronic hypertension to lower blood pressure. However, people with digestive problems such as heartburn should only consume small amounts of hot spices such as chilli, pepper, mustard or horseradish, as consumption may provoke excess acidity. (Sb)

Also read:
Chilies lower blood pressure?

Picture: M. Grossmann /