CDU wants to take greater account of homeopathy in research

CDU wants to take greater account of homeopathy in research / Health News
The CDU Commission "Sustainable Living - Preserving the Quality of Life" has its final report
Submitted in early July. These include ideas to promote sustainable growth, an environmentally friendly economy, fair and international supply chains, support for responsible consumption and sustainable lifestyles. But health also plays a role in the final report of the Sustainability Commission.

Homeopathy also arrived at the CDU. Image: Wolfish - fotolia

Under the heading "Good Life - Strengthen Health and Prevention", the CDU also advocates increasing its focus on health services research. But the special therapy directions should also receive more attention in the future: "We will use alternative healing methods, such as For example, homeopathy is already being considered more in research ... "says the report. But the Commission also advocates that "the content and origin of homeopathic remedies in the EU be expressed in the national language."

Mechthild Heil, consumer policy spokeswoman for the CDU / CSU parliamentary group, had already demanded this in spring 2014. Their reasoning: In homeopathic remedies there are some "adventurous" ingredients. The consumer must be informed in an understandable manner about what he is eating. But the patient is informed substantially better, if on a pack next to the Latin name of the German term "Grauspießglanz" or "Kockelskörner" stands?

In addition, for many substances there are no taxonomically unambiguous German names
why homeopathy always uses latin binomial nomenclature. In all guidebooks and on the website of the German Central Association of Homeopathic Doctors (DZVhÄ) are - where possible - always the German names mentioned. (Pm)