Cannabis pain tampon against menstrual pain

Cannabis pain tampon against menstrual pain / Health News
Abdominal pain, cramping and nausea are not uncommon during the period, instead many women regularly suffer from menstrual cramps. In the future, a new drug from the USA could help, which should alleviate the complaints with the help of cannabis. However, the drug has not yet received official approval and is in conflict with most drug laws.

Regular pain knows almost every woman
Almost every woman has experienced periodic pains during her period and quite a few are affected every month by the unpleasant symptoms. The symptoms may be different, but usually it is spasmodic pelvic pain that radiate to the back and are accompanied by malaise, hypersensitivity and fatigue. Circulatory problems, nausea, diarrhea or headache often occur during menstrual disorders.

Cannabis tampons for abdominal pain. Picture: Udo Kroener - fotolia

Suppositories should relieve discomfort within 20 minutes
But that could soon be over, because the US company Foria has now brought a drug on the market, which should eliminate the problems within a few minutes. But "Foria Relief" is not a conventional medicine. Instead, according to the manufacturer, the preparation contains 60 mg of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and 10 mg of cannabidiol (CBD), which are the two major cannabis compounds.

The THC is said to help soothe the pain and cramps during the rule, the cannabidiol helps to fight inflammation and is effective against nausea. The cocoa butter-based hashish product works purposefully, because "by the use as a suppository, the active ingredients are released exactly where they are needed," said the Foria manufacturers on their website.

Means does not yet have official approval
Cannabis belongs to the genus of hemp plants, from which hashish and marijuana can be obtained. It has long been known that the plant not only acts as an intoxicant but can also be used to treat illnesses. However, since drugs with these substances violate most drug laws, "Foria Relief" is currently only available in the American states of California and Colorado, as cannabis is legal here.

Whether the product will be approved in Europe is therefore questionable. In addition, According to a report by the 'Huffington Post', Foria has not been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and should therefore not be used by experts before its efficacy and safety has been scientifically proven. "Every drug needs to be fully evaluated in terms of risks and benefits before it can be considered safe for use. I would be very worried about women using this product before it has been fully evaluated. " Helen Webberley of the Oxford Online Pharmacy opposite the online newspaper. (No)