Bubble Tea warning of the danger of swallowing

Danger of swallowing at Bubble Tea: Federal consumer minister Ilse Aigner plans warnings due to health hazards
Nearly every corner of larger cities in Germany open so-called „Bubble Tea“ Bars. A few months ago, the fruity fashion drinks from the Far East, however, are littered with fierce criticism. Can the drinks pose a health hazard for the preferably young consumers? The Federal Consumer Minister Ilse Aigner (CSU) therefore calls for visible warnings on the drinks due to the danger of swallowing. The opposition does not go far enough. Additionally, hints on ingredients and calories of the Bubble Teas should be attached.
Pneumonia by swallowing the beads
A first impetus of the debate was forced by the Association of Pediatricians (BVKJ). The doctors warned in a statement before swallowing the colorful globules in the fashion drinks. „If infants swallow the bullets, they may experience pneumonia and, in the worst case, lung collapse“, warned the doctors at the beginning of March this year. The position was now joined by the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR). An examination revealed that the sweet globules in the tea beverage „into the respiratory tract of infants“. Because the health of children can be highly endangered, now calls the Federal Consumer Ministry appropriate warnings in the sale of Bubble Tea.
Vendors should attach warnings
In order to initiate a swift implementation, should „Associations as well as the food inspection call upon providers of bubble tea to draw attention to the dangers“, As a spokesman for the Ministry said. This should be done as far as possible with uniform warnings. The Ministry spokesman also said that the Federal Risk Institute, in its review, concluded that such warning signs are needed to alert people to the dangers of swallowing the pearls.
The Chairman of the Diet Committee of the German Bundestag and FDP nutrition expert Hans-Michael Goldmann also demanded a clearly identifiable labeling of colorful tea. "I demand clear warnings," said the politician on Thursday in Berlin.
Colorful balls like bubble gum
Because the globules are similar in consistency to a chewing gum, infants in particular would not be able to break the beads, as the chairman of the Federal Association of Paediatricians, Dr. med. Wolfram Hartmann, explained. Small children who absorb the bullets with a thick straw could very easily swallow it. If these reach the lungs via the bronchi, the pearls could trigger pneumonia.
Lo Ming, seller of Bubble Tea in Berlin, is in the debate „exaggerated“. Since running her shop, she has not had a child who has seriously swallowed. In fact, the consumer ministry „No complications reported by Bubble Tea“. Neither in Germany nor abroad there are corresponding reports on this, as the speaker emphasized.
Same precautions as peanuts and gummy bears
However, parents of children up to the age of four should take the same precautions as those for eating peanuts, grapes or gummy bears. "Because of the risk of swallowing or inhaling parents of toddlers should be particularly attentive here," said the consumer ministry spokesman.
Implementation not far enough
The parliamentary group of the Greens hold the consumer minister Aigner before, also on the subject „Bubble Tea“ only to come back under pressure from the opposition to action. Only recently did the party launch a small request to the federal government. Deputy Group Chair Bärbel Höhn (Greens) said, „the announced warnings are one thing“, However, her party calls for additional and equally accessible information on the nutritional and calorie content. After all, many varieties of pearl teas would „twice as much sugar as cola "and are therefore true fattening." Consumers must be able to recognize what a calorie bomb it is the drink. "Also, the nutrition expert of the FDP demanded clear evidence in relation „on the caffeine and sugar content“. The Stiftung Warentest had determined in an investigation that a single cup of tea beverage can contain up to 30 pieces of sugar, as Goldmann explained.
Bubble Tea today no more natural drink
About 27 years ago Bubble Tea was first served in Taiwan. Was the drink at that time still a natural product of black, green or Olong tea, is nowadays of this little left over. The pearls consisted of manioc root cornstarch and were cooked with maple syrup for 30 minutes. Another ingredient is the so-called „Popping Bobas“. These contain fruit syrups in different flavors that burst when chewed in the mouth and provide a fruity taste experience.
When Bubble Tea made its triumph outside Asia, there was hardly anything left of the original mixture. According to one producer, today's drinks contain heavily sweetened green or black tea mixed with milk and fruit syrup and cooked like a milkshake. Added to this are often artificial colors, preservatives and flavorings. Nutritionist Sven-David Müller explained that the main problem was the highly sweetened syrup. This cover the „Daily ration of calories by a third“. From the former natural drink is „barely anything left.“ With the label „Tea“ would consumers in the „Be misled“, because it is suggested that it is a tea mix drink. In addition, the Foundation had determined that the drinks were no longer a natural tea beverage, but one „artificial soft drink with synthetic dyes and flavors“.
Strong sales of pearl teas
From January to April 2012 alone, the sellers of the Bubble Teas, according to market research company GfK, achieved sales of around 4.4 million euros. Market researchers, however, assume that the trend will last only a few years, because the flavors today „are still relatively new“. If the first wave is over, the number of providers will reduce sharply again. "Because the tea is new, the onslaught is still great," market researchers explain. A few years later the new one is "old" again. (Sb)
Also read about Bubble Tea:
Bubble Tea contains more sugar than cola
Bubble Tea: Sweet and unhealthy cult drink
Often unknown ingredients in bubble tea
Consumer advocates warn against bubble tea
Health Warning Bubble Tea
Bubble Tea: Modern fattening
Lung collapse due to bubble teas
Picture credits: Richy from zh, Wikipedia.org