Bubble Tea

Bubble Tea was suddenly in German everyone's mouth in 2012 - but the fashion drink disappeared just as quickly back from the market, as it had come. The cold tea with added sugar, other flavors and globules of cornflour in different flavors originates from Taiwan and was particularly popular with children and adolescents. However, warnings about the health risks of the drink came in Germany shortly after the market launch, which initially related mainly to the high sugar content and other ingredients such as artificial flavors or dyes. Also warned of swallowing by the beads was warned. Significantly responsible for the decline of the Bubble Tea era, however, are made press articles, which related to investigations of RTWH Aachen and reported on toxic ingredients in the beads. The statements of the articles were corrected in large parts later by the scientists, but the downfall of the bubble tea was unstoppable. Since 2013, this has largely disappeared from the market in Germany again. (Fp) But no poisonous substances in bubble tea NRW Consumer Protection Ministry was unable to find substances hazardous to health in Bubble Tea25.09.2012The North Rhine-Westphalian consumer ... More toxins in bubble tea Scientists Find Carcinogenic Substances in Bubble Tea22.08.2012Balls in Bubble Tea apparently contain carcinogenic substances and other health effects. More bubble tea contains more sugar than cola Trend drink Bubble Tea contains almost three times as much sugar as Cola28.06.2012Bis to 30 pieces of sugar cubes are in a large cup of sugar ... More Bubble Tea: Sweet and unhealthy cult drink Sweet pearl tea can endanger your health23.06.2012In all major cities of Germany open almost every corner new bubble te ... More bubble tea: Modern fattening Techniker Krankenkasse warns of thickening Bubble Tea21.05.2012Bubble Tea is currently extremely popular among children and adolescents as a fashion drink ... More
(Photo 1: makistock / fotolia.com)