Breast cancer Many patients do not need chemo

Gentest can spare many breast cancer patients unnecessary chemotherapy
Breast cancer is often treated with chemotherapy. This treatment not only brings significant side effects, but is often unnecessary. Scientists from the US now report that a large proportion of breast cancer patients could be spared such therapies. They developed a genetic test that should show in advance which women benefit from the treatment.
Most common cancer in women
Breast cancer, also called breast cancer, is the most common malignant tumor in women. In Germany alone, up to 70,000 new cases are counted each year. Many patients have to undergo chemotherapy with adverse side effects. But for a long time, health experts have pointed out that breast cancer does not always make sense. German experts recently reported on new genetic tests that should eliminate unnecessary chemotherapy for breast cancer. However, not all experts are convinced of their benefits. There are now reports from the USA about another genetic test that should spare cancer patients a chemo.

Many breast cancer patients can be spared chemotherapy
Chemotherapy is usually associated with severe side effects such as hair loss, fatigue, nausea and vomiting.
However, if the cancer is detected at an early stage, it can often be dispensed with the debilitating treatment.
This is also shown by a new study from the USA. As a result, women with early-stage breast cancer who are currently receiving chemotherapy to current standards do not need this treatment.
"We can save thousands and thousands of women from getting toxic treatment that they really would not use," said study author Dr. Ingrid A. Mayer of the Vanderbilt University Medical Center opposite The New York Times (NYT).
The results of the study were presented in early June at a meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology in Chicago, USA, and published in the journal The New England Journal of Medicine.
Hormone blocking drug
According to the NYT, the study found that genetic tests on tumor specimens were able to identify women who could safely skip chemotherapy and only take a drug that blocks the estrogen hormone or prevents the body from producing it.
According to the experts, the hormone blocking drug tamoxifen and related medicines have become an essential part of treatment for most women because they reduce the risk of recurrence of new breast tumors and death from the disease.
"I think that's a very significant step forward," Dr. Larry Norton from the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York. He himself is not the author of the study, but the hospital where he works was involved.
"I will be able to look people in the eye and say," We analyzed their tumor, they have a really good prognosis and they do not really need chemo. "" That's good if you can tell someone. "
"The results show that we are now able to save them in about 70 percent of patients who are potential candidates for chemo because of clinical features," said study leader Dr. med. Joseph A. Sparano from the Montefiore Medical Center in New York.
However, Dr. Sparano and Dr. Mayer added a warning: The data also showed that some women 50 years or younger could benefit from chemotherapy, although the results of genetic testing suggest otherwise.
Although it is not clear why that is so, but these women need a particularly careful advice.
Moreover, despite all the risks that chemotherapy can bring, it should not be forgotten that in many cases such treatment can save lives. (Ad)