Breast Cancer Prevent Costs Better Prevention?

Breast cancer: Is cost anxiety better prevention? Physicians from the University Hospital of Bonn found in a study that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is superior to mammography or ultrasound in the detection of breast cancer.
Physicians from the University Hospital of Bonn found in a study that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is superior to mammography or ultrasound in the detection of breast cancer.The team around Professor For more than five years (2002-2007), Christiane Kuhl from the University Hospital Bonn examined nearly 700 patients with ultrasound, mammography and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Tomography) and published the results in the journal „Journal of Cilical Oncology“ (Doi: 10.1200 / JCO, 2009. 23. 0839). In 27 of the participating patients, breast cancer or a breast cancer precursor („DCIS“, Ductal Carcinoma In Situ). They also noted in their multicenter study that mammography and ultrasound revealed only 33 and 37 percent of breast tumors, respectively, while 93 percent could be detected with the MRI.
In addition, for the MRI speaks that the women here are not exposed to radiation exposure. It is also discussed whether the constant radiation from the previous investigations could have an influence on the development and development of the tumor and genetically prejudiced women. Because mammography is an X-ray examination, while MRI is a magnetic field excited from the outside with radio waves. A disadvantage seems to be the cost factor: The MRI costs around 450 euros per examination. A mammography beats with only 110 euros.
The researchers argue that MRI is not only used as an adjunct, but also as a standard in breast examinations, thus changing the guidelines. These recommend an MRI only in addition to ultrasound or mammography in women „High risk levels“.
The Bonn scientists point out that the mammary tissue of young women is much more radiosensitive and the „radiobiological consequences“ can not be foreseen in the investigations recommended by the current guideline.
Also, the ultrasound seems to be unnecessary in the provision, as no additional carcinomas were detected in the study. Now it remains to be seen how the decision-makers in the implementation of the quality and payment of breast cancer screening behave based on the results of the Bonn-based physicians. (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy, 26.02.2010)
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