Breast cancer through hormone treatments

Many cases of breast cancer could be avoided: too few movements and hormone replacement therapies promote the risk of breeding cancer according to recent studies.
Regular exercise and abstinence from hormone replacement therapy during menopause can significantly reduce breast cancer risk in women. Almost a third of breast cancer cases in older women would be preventable, according to a study by the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ).
Breast cancer is preventable
The experts of the DKFZ found in a comprehensive study that about 30 percent of breast cancer cases in older women could be prevented by the abandonment of hormone replacement therapy and more exercise. As part of their study, the scientists of the DKFZ also took a closer look at other risk factors for breast cancer, such as obesity and alcohol consumption. At the so-called „Marie-study“ There were 9,640 women, 3,074 of whom had a breast cancer diagnosis. The remaining participants served as a control group.
Hormone treatments and little exercise favor breast cancer
The study found that 19.4 percent of postmenopausal cancers were due to hormone preparations and 12.8 percent was due to lack of physical activity, the researchers explained in the publication of their study results in the current issue of Fachzeitschrift „Cancer Epidemiology“. The author Karen Steindorf stressed that when „induce behavioral changes in these two areas“ could, „Almost 30 percent of all cases of breast cancer are prevented after menopause“ could. The experts of the DKFZ therefore advise against using hormone replacement therapy if this is not absolutely necessary. In any case, the treatment of menopausal symptoms, which was widespread until just a few years ago, has already declined significantly since scientists discovered that they increase the risk of cancer. Now, the study by the DKFZ has made it clear that hormone treatments have to be given even more prominence in terms of breast cancer risk than, for example, alcohol consumption or obesity.
Common cancer diagnosis breast cancer
According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), breast cancer is widespread in Germany and is the most common cancer among women with a share of 28% of all new cancer cases. Every year, around 58,000 women in this country suffer from breast cancer, with the patients on average being 64 years old at diagnosis. All in all, more women die of breast cancer in Germany than in all other cancers ... The World Health Organization estimates that there are more than one million new cases worldwide each year - around 580,000 of them in industrialized countries. The cause of an increased risk of breast cancer may also be factors that can not be influenced by women. For example, breast cancer in the family is considered a significant risk factor because inherited genetic changes significantly increase the risk of breast cancer. In addition, according to the experts, even in women who had their first menstruation at a very early age and in women whose menopause is late, the risk of breast cancer is significantly increased. As the risk of breast cancer increases with age, mammography screenings have been offered in Germany for several years, with women between the ages of 50 and 69 being invited every two years. To date, however, the benefits of this screening among scientists is controversial. (Fp)
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