Prevent breast cancer through exercise

Prevent breast cancer through exercise / Health News

Even slight movements reduce the risk of breast cancer


Breast cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death in women. By a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and sports, as low as possible alcohol consumption and the avoidance of obesity, the individual disease risk can be significantly reduced, so the recent release of the Cooperation Community Mammography in Berlin on the occasion of today's World Cancer Day.

Already moderate sports activities such as cycling, brisk walking or physical housework can achieve a significant effect in breast cancer prevention, reports the cooperation group mammography. Especially older women would benefit from regular exercise. As a benchmark recommend the World Health Organization (WHO) „At least 150 minutes of regular physical activity of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of strenuous activity per week.“ However, let the question, „how much exercise it must be, yet not sure answer.“

Even intensive housework reduces the risk of breast cancer
According to the cooperation community mammography, every woman is certain „reduce your breast cancer risk by having a healthy lifestyle“ can, with regular exercise and sports, the renunciation of alcohol and the avoidance of obesity play an essential role. Not only endurance sports but also moderate physical exercise like „intensive housework, brisk walking or half an hour cycling daily“ I already have a positive effect here.

The German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) confirmed in a press release on the World Cancer Day that several studies indicate a reduction in breast cancer risk through regular physical activity. For example, the DKFZ scientist Prof. Karen Steindorf went into her investigations „the question of how much sport women need to do in which phase of life in order to benefit from the protective effect“, reports the DKFZ. Stone village found out, „that especially the activity pays off in old age.“ This is according to DKFZ release „the breast cancer risk of women who are regularly physically active after menopause, about one-third lower than that of their slower counterparts.“

Early detection can prevent deadly breast cancer
As breast cancer risk rises significantly with age, older women in particular, according to the experts, should urgently use existing breast cancer prevention options. For example, out of every 1,000 women over the age of 40, 15 women would develop breast cancer within the next ten years, but the fifty-year-old's incidence rate would be twice as high, reports the cooperation group Mammography. The average age of onset of breast cancer patients indicates the cooperation community in their current press release with 63 years. Although breast cancer can not be completely avoided, an early diagnosis can certainly prevent a life-threatening course of the disease. Therefore, participation in preventive examinations such as mammography screening is of particular importance.

With this method left „Find even the smallest tumors that otherwise have no clues“, so the message of the cooperation community mammography. And the earlier the malignant cell growth in the breast is detected, the better the prospects for the affected woman. You can already feel knots or noticeable deformations of the chest, „the tumors are usually already larger than two centimeters“ and the chances of recovery are much lower, reports the cooperation community. (Fp)

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