Bearded swamp helmet instead of asthma spray

Bearded swamp helmet instead of asthma spray / Health News

With Chinese medicine on the natural way to a long breath


Physical stress especially in cold air, dust, cigarette smoke, acute infections or allergens - many stimuli trigger an asthma attack. Anyone who has ever had to deal with a sudden lack of air, especially the ignorance to create, when the next attack comes. When the sensation of breathing through a straw spreads, asthma sprays provide enough air in the lungs again. They will not save you from the next asthma attack. Unlike the Chinese medicine, which tackles the disease's evil and thus reduces the frequency of respiratory distress.

Asthma attributes Chinese medicine to misguided processes of the body, often beginning in childhood. If infections are not completely passed through and premature drug intake hinders important cleansing processes such as coughing or runny nose, inflammation products accumulate. In order to get rid of it nevertheless, the body seeks other ways of evisceration. In bronchial asthma, the skin acts as a pressure relief valve in other diseases such as atopic dermatitis. „In order to get to the root of the causes of asthma, Chinese medicine rolls up the complete medical history, going back to childhood“, describes Dr. Christian Schmincke, TCM expert and head of the clinic at the Steigerwald, the start of therapy. In particular, the cold that has penetrated the body from the Chinese point of view with early colds causes allergic or infection-related inflammations in later asthmatics, which sink from the nasal cavity into the bronchi. In the medical history it often turns out that many patients get antibiotics, nasal sprays and cortisone from childhood. „After a thorough analysis of the patient's history, we are slowly and steadily discontinuing conventional medicine during the course of therapy“, supplements Dr. Schmincke. „Asthma sprays interfere with the treatment. Adrenaline-like substances damage the lung Qi, the respiratory flow of energy and cortisone hinder the purification processes of the mucous membranes. Both lead to the accumulation of internal mucus.“

Long-term results in the treatment of asthma are achieved by TCM experts with the help of Chinese medicines, the most important method of Chinese medicine. Depending on the symptoms, TCM doctors create an individualized formula for the patient. Pharmaceutical ingredients such as the root of the bearded swamp helmet have a drying and cooling effect. In dry coughs are usually bitter almonds and the root of a Chinese bellflower in the recipe. Patients with acute respiratory distress, in turn, administer TCM experts skullcap and Chinese mugwort. „The Chinese herbal medicines support the elimination of inflammation from the body, strengthen its natural clarifying function and help it return to an effective immune system“, describes Dr. Schmincke their effect. „In any case, the Chinese drug therapy but in the trained hands of a TCM doctor. For what helps one person can increase the other's complaints.“ Acupuncture also effectively relieves symptoms in the short term. In addition, Qi Gong exercises and a vegetarian diet with few dairy products are very helpful. (Pm)