Civil insurance instead of capitation

Civil insurance instead of capitation / Health News

DGB introduces citizens insurance

Reform Commission on the concept of health insurance in Germany: Citizens insurance instead of capitation

The reform commission created by the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) „For a solidary health system of the future“ presented her final report on Monday.

Shortly before the completion of the legislative procedure of the health reform of CDU / CSU and FDP in the Federal Council, the „Joint statement“ presented to the Commission of Trade Unions, Associations and Science of the North Rhine-Westphalian Prime Minister Hannelore Kraft. In it the commission turns against the government plans to the head lump sum in the legal health insurance (GKV) and demands the development of the solidary financing to a social citizen insurance.

„Citizens' insurance is demonstrably the superior alternative, because this is the only way to cure the chronic income weaknesses of statutory health insurance in a sustainable and socially just manner“, said DGB board member Annelie Buntenbach at the presentation of the report. The Commission proposes to develop statutory health insurance as a solidarity system for all citizens, to extend the bases of assessment and to include capital income for them. The contribution financing should again be designed in an equal way. A combination of the civic insurance options listed in the report allows for financial flexibility, equivalent to a contribution rate reduction of 2.2 percentage points. Buntenbach emphasized that the 70 million insured persons could also be spared the contribution increase planned by the coalition on 1 January 2011.

The Federal Government's planned entry into the capitation is severely criticized by the Commission. „The capitation is not sustainable, but politically dangerous and extremely unfair. If the Federal Government freezes the employer's contribution, the insured must pay all future cost increases in the GKV by capitation alone. The capitation fee is the lowest for low income and pensioners. Minister of Health Rösler is not the minister of the insured, but the godfather of employers and insurance companies“, said Buntenbach.

According to calculations by the Commission, an additional average flat rate of 56 euros per month would be due for all insured persons in 2020, when the expenditure of the SHI is only two percent above the revenue. In 2025, it would be 97 euros per month in addition, then all SHI members would be entitled to a tax equalization. Average earners with an income of 2,500 euros would have to pay at least 600 euros a year without a cent compensation in addition to the monthly health insurance contribution of 205 euros.

The Reform Commission wants to use the coming years for a broad social debate on the future of health insurance. Next year, further steps are planned for the concrete implementation of the individual elements of the civil insurance. (pm, 13.12.2010)