Methylated spirits and alcohol Massly seriously injured in barbecue accidents in June

Methylated spirits and alcohol Massly seriously injured in barbecue accidents in June / Health News
Ten seriously injured in barbecue accidents in June alone
Even though the cool temperatures of the last few days have not invited you to spend some time outdoors, summer time is actually barbecue time. It is a pity that there are always accidents with some serious burns. This is often due to alcohol or methylated spirits.

Methylated spirits poured into the fire
For many Germans, a nice summer's day also includes a barbecue in the garden. Unfortunately, it always comes back to accidents with some serious injuries. In June in Berlin and Brandenburg, for example, ten people suffered such severe burns from grill accidents that they had to be treated at the Marzahn accident hospital, the news agency dpa reports. The clinic in northeastern Berlin specializes in dangerous burn injuries. According to the information, there were two small children among the patients who had run over a hot grill on the floor. About 40 patients were treated for barbecue accidents each summer in the hospital. It is said that many of them poured methylated spirits into the fire, others fell drunk in fire bowls.

When grilling, unfortunately, it always comes back to accidents with some serious injuries. In June, many patients had to be treated with burns in clinics. (Image: Sauerlandpics /

Thousands of children and adolescents with burn injuries
Experts repeatedly warn against using methylated spirits when grilling. This is often the cause of burn injuries, which are very common in Germany, especially among young people. For example, the Federal Statistical Office calculated for 2012 that around 10,000 children and adolescents up to the age of 19 will be hospitalized with burns every year. According to the Initiative for Burnt Children, about 1,300 of them are victims of barbecue accidents. The result is often lifelong scars and a long, painful treatment. "The psychological burden of having to live with scars is very high," writes the initiative on its website. For lighter burns, however, some may also use ointment or natural home remedies. For example, the healing effects of aloe vera play an important role. (Ad)