Nettle tea - application and effect

Nettle tea - application and effect /
Once you walk through nettles with your bare feet, you can not forget the name of this plant. Because it burns violently - in addition, the skin is covered with pustules. This happens through the burning hairs, which drill like hypodermic needles into the skin and empty their secretions there. Urtica, the genus, derives from the Latin "urere" means "burn". The nettle tea is also used against "burning" pain, as it occurs in cystitis, prescribed.


  • The big nettle
  • The small nettle
  • mythology
  • In antiquity
  • healing properties
  • The essence of stinging nettle
  • Side effects / Contraindications
  • preparation
  • Pick nettles
  • Home remedies with nettle
  • kidney Strength
  • milk supply
  • Detox / purify
  • Spring fever

The big nettle

The large stinging nettle, also called Urtica dioica, is like a weed that can not be eradicated. Already Roman doctors have applied this plant. They recommended flogging with stinging nettles to stimulate blood circulation. Sebastian Kneipp also attributed great healing powers to this "burning" plant. Today it is used as a nettle tea, as an extract or in the form of hair tonic. In the garden, it is often used as manure for fertilization and pest control. In the large, dioecious nettle, the male inflorescences stand out, the female hang and thus form mainly the side shoots.

Nettle tea has a very positive effect on the metabolism, which can be used for various medical purposes. (Image: rcfotostock /

The small nettle

The small stinging nettle, called Urtica urens, grows between 15 and 45 centimeters high. It is, in contrast to its big sister, monoecious, which means that each plant has both male and female flowers. Like the Urtica dioica, the leaves contain vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, histamine, chlorophyll and formic acid. The latter is responsible for the burning on the skin that occurs after contact. The histamine triggers the wheal effect. The nettle tea has a diuretic effect and relieves prostate problems.

The nettle seeds were formerly used as Liebestonikum. Today, they have become important again in the naturopathic practice of fertility treatment for men.


The stinging nettle used to be used as a disaster-remedy. On the midsummer night, nettles were placed among the cattle to drive out evil spirits. On Walpurgis night, the nettles, pinned to the dung heap and beaten with a stick, saved them from the witches' attack. Also, the nettle was known in custom. For example, a stinging nettle branch placed in the milk should prevent souring. To protect themselves from lightning, stinging nettles were placed in the fire or hung up under the roof.

In antiquity

The nettle was already known in antiquity and was used for example in wounds, urinary tract diseases, nosebleeds, dislocations and respiratory diseases. Hippocrates, Hildegard von Bingen and Paracelsus also used this plant.

healing properties

The nettle tea has a dehydrating, blood purifying, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, it contains iron, promotes the excretion of uric acid, stimulates bile and pancreas, helps with rheumatism, eliminates spring fatigue and supports the elimination of bladder semolina. In gynecology, the nettle tea is used mainly in iron deficiency.

The essence of stinging nettle

Every plant also has one essence - which means that the plant not only has a physical effect, but can also be used for emotional complaints. In this way, slags accumulate in the body, which can sometimes interfere with the movement. The nettle tea can help here. He should support the breaking up of the frozen structures in order to eliminate the unusable substances. But the tea not only works against the slags in the body, but can also be used against hardening and "poisoning" in the mental field. Thus, the nettle cleanses the blood and the soul a bit. Therefore, this plant is also particularly well suited for spring and detox treatments.

Nettle tea should not be used during pregnancy. (Image: nuzza11 /

Side effects / Contraindications

The consumption of nettle tea may in rare cases lead to allergic reactions or to mild stomach problems. If edema is due to restricted cardiac or kidney activity, the tea should not be drunk. Even for pregnant women, the tea is not suitable.


The nettle tea and the tea blends should never be drunk continuously for longer than six to eight weeks. For the preparation of the tea a heaped teaspoon of dried leaves is brewed with a quarter liter of boiling water. After a brewing time of about eight to ten minutes, the tea is ready. The best drinking time for the nettle tea is between 15.00 and 19.00 clock - according to Chinese medicine, the main time of kidney and bladder activity. Thus, these two organs can best be supported and detoxified during this period.

Nettle tea has a purifying effect and the metabolism is stimulated, which in turn can be something to lose weight.

Pick nettles

Stinging nettles grow like weeds - almost everywhere. However, the plants should only be picked in places that are not on busy roads or even "poured" by dogs. The best harvest time is spring, but harvesting is also possible from May to September. Caution: Please wear thick gloves. The stinging nettles are then hung to dry in a breezy but dry place. And that until the leaves are completely withered. These are then removed and packed in cans. If you do not want to do this, you will get the nettle tea in the herb shop or the pharmacy.

Home remedies with nettle

Nettle leaves can positively supplement a wide variety of tea blends. Below are a few examples listed for use as a home remedy.

kidney Strength

For kidney strengthening and cold feet, the following mixture is recommended: Dried nettle leaves, (20 g) Goldenrod (20 g) and Lovage root (10 g). Add a heaped teaspoon of the mixture to approximately 200 ml of boiling water. The whole draws then seven to ten minutes. Then the tea is drunk in small sips - two to three times a day.

milk supply

For lactation during lactation, the following tea is recommended: nettle leaves, fennel fruits, lady's mantle and caraway seeds - each in equal amounts. Fennel and caraway must be something with the mortar triggered so that the active ingredients unfold. Add one teaspoon of 200 ml of boiling water to the mixture and strain off after about seven to eight minutes and then drink. Over and over again, the woman drinks a sip of it over the course of the day, so that she comes to around two cups a day.

In combination with fennel, lady's mantle and caraway nettle tea can stimulate milk production during breastfeeding. (Image: nuzza11 /

Detox / purify

To stimulate the detoxification and detoxification, this tea helps: nettle, goldenrod, milk thistle and dandelion - in equal parts. The preparation is as in the tea blends described above.

Spring fever

Especially in spring, the nettle tea is the right choice. It contains vitamins, minerals and has a detoxifying effect. With the daily consumption of two to three cups over a period of four weeks, the spring fatigue can be somewhat counteracted. (Sw)