Does Anti-Aging Hormones Stop Aging?

Does Anti-Aging Hormones Stop Aging? / Health News

Can anti-aging hormones keep what the name promises?

Over-the-counter hormone replacement products are growing in popularity as anti-aging agents. Supplements of hormones are said to compensate for their natural decline in the course of aging and to slow down aging, according to the manufacturers' promise. But can the drugs keep the promise? The German Society of Endocrinology has carried out a review.

The decrease of various endogenous hormones in the course of aging is a natural process. By taking hormone replacement drugs such as testosterone, growth hormone, the pineal hormone melatonin or dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), many are trying to counteract this decline. Thus, a large market for hormone replacement products has emerged, although substantial anti-aging effects on these hormone supplements are not proven, reports the German Society for Endocrinology (DGE).

Can hormone replacement drugs slow down aging? Scientists have taken a closer look at the anti-aging effects of widely used drugs - with a sobering result. (Image: Syda Productions /

In old age, hormone production goes back

"Aging is a biological process that starts with birth and is irreversible," the DGE experts emphasize. As a result, the skin becomes thinner, wrinkled and dry with increasing age, the eyes and ears lose their efficiency, the bones become porous and the vessels narrow more and more. The hormone production of, for example, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), melatonin and growth hormone (GH) is also decreasing. This is where the hormone replacement preparations come in.

Lack of evidence of effectiveness

"Although there is a large market in hormone products and therapies today that promise to delay the natural aging process, maintain performance, youthfulness and quality of life at a high level, and even extend life as a whole, there is no scientific evidence for this ", Remarks Professor med. Matthias M. Weber, spokesman for the DGE and Head of Endocrinology of the University Medical Center of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. In addition, the drop in hormones "not the cause, but the result of the natural aging process."

How effective are dehydroepiandrosterone preparations?

According to the DGE, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), an adrenal hormone, is one of the widely used, over-the-counter and non-medicated hormone replacement products. The body's own steroid and precursor hormone is biotransformed in the organism to both estrogens and androgens. However, the scientific evidence on the effect remains poor. Thus, high-quality studies would not have significant effects on important metabolic parameters or well-being. "Long-term data on disease incidence and mortality are completely lacking, and with regard to the risks and side effects, it can only be reliably stated that they were of no concern during the observation period of up to two years," said Professor Dr. med. med. Sven Diederich, Vice President of the DGE.

Melatonin as an anti-aging agent?

Also with the Melatoningabe the promises of the offerers as "miracle cure" are big, so the experts of the DGE further. The over-the-counter hormone of the pineal gland is often touted for anti-aging and as an antioxidant radical scavenger, but placebo-controlled clinical studies in humans are difficult to find and documented positive effects in humans possibly for sleep behavior. The promised anti-aging effect was only detectable in animal experiments, sometimes with high dosages. At least threaten with ingestion, however, no side effects. "With regard to possible negative effects and side effects, the all-clear can be given," says Prof. Diederich.

Take special care with growth hormones

The prescription growth hormone (GH abbreviated) is intended for use in cases of severe deficiency, for example due to pituitary anterior lobe insufficiency. Thus, short stature can be compensated in the child and in adults, the preparations should help against metabolic disorders, changes in body composition (fat and muscle distribution) and corresponding deterioration in quality of life. However, placebo-controlled studies on GH administration in the elderly have shown only a minimal beneficial effect on fat distribution, with "very negative effects on sugar metabolism, fluid retention, and joint pain documented," reports Diederich. Also, possible effects on a cancer promotion are suspected, which is why GH should be dispensed with altogether, warns the DGE expert.

Testosterone preparations for men

The hormone replacement products containing testosterone are specifically targeted at men, as their testosterone levels drop by around one to two percent a year from the age of 40. An actual testosterone deficiency with consequences such as libido deficiency and other symptoms such as erectile dysfunction affects according to the experts in Germany, however, only three to five percent of 60- to 79-year-old men. They may be helped by male sex hormone supplementation, but this does not apply to those who hope to use testosterone to counteract depressive mood, weight gain, fatigue, nervousness, and diminished sexual potency. The research results are also sobering here.

Placebo-controlled clinical trials of testosterone use in older men have had very few positive effects, and these only relate to libido. Since long-term safety data are lacking and "indications for a possible negative effect on the risk of heart attack exist, care should also be taken here with care and good patient education," says Diederich.

Sport and the reduction of overweight are proven effective anti-aging methods. (Image: Wellnhofer Designs /

Sports and weight loss are better anti-aging remedies

The DGE experts conclude that anti-aging effects on hormone supplements in old age are not proven and that the drugs cause unnecessary costs. In addition, due to potential risks, the use should not be performed outside of clinical trials, emphasize Prof. Diederich and colleagues. For some drugs, the risks and side effects are already known, but overall long-term data, the safety and safety of the hormone administration are often missing, reports the DGE. In order to positively influence the aging process and maintain a high quality of life, other measures are also much better suited. A weight reduction in the second half of life and regular moderate sports have been shown to have a positive effect and can also have some positive effects on their own hormone production in old age, the experts emphasize. (Fp)