Bremer go to work exhausted

Bremer go to work exhausted / Health News

DAK study: In Bremen many people suffer from sleep disorders and therefore go to work overtired.

(27.05.2010) According to a study German Employees Health Insurance (DAK) around 10 percent of working people in Bremen suffer from sleep disorders and therefore often drag themselves to work overtired. According to study results, about 35,000 workers would suffer from acute sleep disorders, according to the head of the DAK in Bremen, Regina Schulz, at the presentation of the study results. A total of 3000 professionals between the ages of 35 and 65 were interviewed for the study.

The sleep disorders would arise mainly because of stress, fears and worries in the workplace. Each fifth respondent is also plagued by shift work such as Sunday work and night work after 8 pm. But also pain and excessive noise is mentioned by many as a reason for persistent sleep disturbances. DAK boss Schulz warned during the presentation of the study: "In our 24/7 society with time pressure, compulsion to flexibility and the demands of the family many people do not come to rest at night".

Anyone who sleeps badly endangers his health. Insomnia pollutes the cardiovascular system and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and depression. The DAK study also pointed to the economic losses suffered by employers: "Those who work overtime make less and cause more accidents". That means lost productivity. However, many people who work in sleep disorders do not go to the doctor and do not let them write sick leave sick. They prefer to take sleep aids despite the risk of dependencies. About two-thirds treat themselves according to DAK study. (Sb)

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