Brand in Schwerin clinic

Brand in Schwerin clinic / Health News

Brand broke out in Schwerin clinic. Clinic staff was able to extinguish the fire independently.


On Saturday, an incident has occurred in the Schwerin Helios Clinic. According to authorities, a fire broke out in the hospital. The hospital has since confirmed that neither patients nor staff have been harmed.

Last night, a fire in the Schwerin Helios Clinic occurred. Although a strict smoking ban applies in all patient rooms, a patient has smoked a cigarette despite the ban. She has fallen into bed the embers, whereupon set the hospital bed on fire. Now the fire alarm system sounded the alarm, whereupon the staff was notified. The employees could independently extinguish the fire with the help of a fire extinguisher. As a precaution, a total of 10 patients were evacuated from the ward to another ward. According to the clinic management, neither staff nor patients were injured. The secret smoking of the patient resulted in estimated damage of around 5,000 euros. The polluter now has to prepare for a criminal complaint. Meanwhile, the police have started the investigation. The exact circumstances need to be examined more closely. (Sb)

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Image: Michael Bührke