Fire in the hospital in Linz

Fire in the hospital in Linz / Health News

Austria: The fire in the Linz hospital was successfully extinguished by the fire department. There were no injuries and the care of the patients was not endangered.

This morning, the Linz fire brigade had to move out to large-scale operation, as a fire had broken out in the Linz hospital of the Sisters of Charity.

A dangerous fire broke out this morning at 8:00 am in the Linz Hospital of the Sisters of Mercy. Fortunately, according to the hospital, there are no injuries to be lamented. The hospital operation was not affected by the fire. Treatments, patient care and medical procedures were not endangered and impaired by the fire. As the Austrian television station ORF reports, the fire was already successfully extinguished.

The fire department experts suspect that the fire broke out in the storeroom in the area of ​​the Order. This room was far away from the patients and relatives of the clinic. After initial investigations, an electrical defect was the cause of the fire.

The fire brigade in Linz was supported by the volunteer fire department from Ebelsberg and St. Magdalena. The fire was fought on two roads. The fire was reported by a fire detector. For this reason, the fire department could be notified in time. So far, it is still unclear in what amount damage has been incurred. (19.10.2010)